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Walking at a leisurely pace, carrying a very light but noisy load on his shoulder. With heavy tread he kept
Stepping on little fragments of sticks and broken glasses that alternates sound waves, splitting the once thick but silent, gloomy atmosphere. The place was dark, spooking even the most fiercest creatures of the night; Leaving no room for courage and bravery as timidness was suffocating in that lowley underground basement.


"Put me down you dick-face! I swear when I get my hands on you I'll show you no mercy! You disgusting fat pig!" The pink hair boy kept gobbing words one after another, making a huge scene on his abductors shoulder. He kept kicking and hitting the man's back, not caring one bit about the consequences he will retrieve doing so.

"Will you shut up!" Said Chung-ho, as he slowly force open the old corroded door, following with screeches of noise when it scrape on the soiled and turbid floor. Strictly, anyone who would come here will never found themselves escaping, but was rot to death after countless hours of going through pains.

"Ew. Where did you take me?" Jimin groan in disgust and pinched at his nose to block the funny smell. "Why does it smells like something died and was put down to go sour!".

"Thanks for the compliment" the boy gave him a look of disbelief before he was thrown to the floor, his ankle almost hurting up in the process, before he began to get tied to a table.

"W- what the hell! Am I an animal. You should place me down nicely you know. What if my ankle were to get hurt!".

"You best need to consider your situation, and shut that mouth of yours" Chung-ho barks, as he forge the final knot to the rope around his hands.

Sigh "I understand that I am trapped here but that doesn't mean I am afraid of you. What are you going to do? Beat me to death, threaten me to send money to your account, plotting to get my moms business. Give it your best shot sweety, cause either way you are not getting away with this".

Chung-ho snigger eyeing the boy up and down. "I think you will be even more fun than that puppy. You know Jimin, they are at their strongest once giving the chance to run their mouth, but when they are in pain. It's a different story for them, and that's where all the fun will come in" the man said, voice full of amusement.

"Pft, yeah trust me, I know what pain is. you'd a real pain in my butt if you didn't notice" Jimin cursed at the man, eyes sending daggers at him whoes face was grim and merciless.


"If it wasn't for me having a bit of self restrain up until now, you wouldn't even have the energy to speak...Maybe I need to up my game huh, and show you something speechlessly shocking. I want to see you wriggling in pain, your crying face, and the ugly smirk which would turned into a pretty frown soon enough. Don't you think?" Chung-ho sniggered once more before he stood up, a villainous smile around his lips as he marched over to a surprisingly kempt metallic door, opening it with a loud bang. His smile grow wider when he saw the lifeless body, pitifully lying on the floor. "My masterpiece" he proudly breathe out with confidence and satisfaction, staring the boy down as he examine every inch and crook of his body. Without any more delays of time he dragged out the body and flung it right in front of Jimin face.

"What do you think? Hehehehahaha" The builted man jeered and tightly grabbed hold of the disturbed boy hair, directly shoving his head down to see the ugly sight even more. Jimin felt lost, no at this point he doesn't know what to felt. He just kept looking down, his emotions was all over the place, and like a jig-saw puzzled he fight to place them all together. There was nothing to say, other than how bad he wanted to kill this bitch, how much he want to grind his body into mince meat and feed it to the pigs. The pain was overpowering, and he wanted to calm it back down, the only way to that, is to avenge his friend. Taehyung, never in his wildest dream he would thought of something this horrible happening to you. I never wanted to see him in this state, I never wanted to find anyone I hold dear to be in this state, ever.

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