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You must be wondering why i kept sneaking around, hiding in shallow places and secretly watching a certain person? Well, I know I said I was creating this fake personality of Chung-ho in my head. But I can't help thinking that this guy is bad news. Even though I told Jimin that I won't talk about this topic again, the feeling just kept bugging me at every chance it gets. Thus, why I kept stalking him, from in the canteen, to the class, on the corridors and in the bathroom. No naughty thoughts, I didn't see anything!

And now, I was watching him making a phone call at the back of the school. Which makes me think. What was so private about this call; that he have to go at the back of the school just to make it? Okay, it might not be anything out of the unusual, but I am still curious. I stood behind a wall which was blocking him from ever seeing me, not that he couldn't. But if i make one solid move, I could instantly be caught.

I couldn't hear what the person on the phone was saying, and I could barley even hear him, despite that,  somehow, I heard that one specific conversation which catch my attention.

".......No, he's always around people and he doesn't fully trust me either........Yeah I'll definetly capture him, don't worry you'll get your toy soon".

"What the hell!" I accidentally shouted, gasping as I quickly went back to the blind spot, my hands covering my mouth as I try to control my breathing. Many thoughts  went through my head. Who was he suppose to capture? And who was he talking to? Ever since I know the guy he was always smiling, I didn't know a person could smile so much through out the day. However, what's with that way of speaking? it was somewhat creepy, it gave me chills....And somehow it sounds so natural coming from him, it's like he was being his actual self just now. Instead of the happy go-lucky, problems never bothers me demeanor. Maybe, just maybe that's him acting when he's around us.... Although, I always thought his smile sound so force it almost seem manipulative. Just what is he up to, why did he want to be our friend? He is always the lone wolf in the pack apart from his sister who was outgoing and fun. So why? 

Getting carried away by my thoughts. I didn't notice him coming up to me until-


"Oh shit!" I yelped covering my mouth again. Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! What should do? I can't move. How do I move?

"Taehyung, did you hear my conversation just now" that senile way of speaking almost makes me faint. I felt something glaze my shoulders causing me to squeak, out of emabrrassment my body became petrified. That was the first ever, in my 17 years of living, have I heard my voice went that high before. The things cowardice does to you.

"What! Me! I- I just got here. W-Were you having a conversation? With whom?" I stammer, my voice still high as Mount Everest. Chung-ho laugh hitting my back.

"You know, you can be cute. Anyways if we waste time here, we are going to be late for class".

"A-ahh.....Yeah"  I gave a confuse look, and stare down seeing him holding a hand out for me. My face frown upon the sight.

"Look here dude, I have a girlfriend. What would she say if she see me holding a guy's hand. That is not okay bro" I said and quickly walk away, at first I was hiding my expression but as soon as I leave my face was the epitome of how a person looks before dying.

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