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"Taemin! I just can't believe I did that you know" Jimin said, gripping his hair in frustration.

"Well, I can't believe you didn't say you have a lover, and now you just telling me! Weeks after I went away!" He responded, voice coated with betrayal.

"He's not my boyfriend as yet Tae".

"Key word: as yet", he joked and I  laugh.

"By the way, I'm surprised we are having this conversation. Is everything okay at your side, I mean-".

"Hahaha, yeah about that. it wasn't a big of a deal I guess. Anyway! Leave this story for another day, I'll explain when the time is right so, tell me more about Jungkook! " He said changing the subject. I smile, chewing at the inside of my lips.

"Okay, He's cool and sweet despite how flirty he can get at times, he have a very charming smile, his eyes is also very beautiful and gentle. A-a-and he's also a great kisser, w-wait why are y-you asking me this!".

Jimin shouted, face red once he grow conscious at what he had said, although it was the truth, he knew well that saying thoes things to someone is unlike him, which also made him quite embarrassed.

Taemin burst out laughing, a tear trickled from his eyes, only visible for him to wipe it away. He never know one day he would find Jimin saying such things about a person, never once in his life he would dream about seeing such event, and he get quite a good laugh from  it.

"By just hearing you say that chim, anyone would believe you are definitely in love. I bet they would even die from shock hearing such tickled words from you" Taemin joked, even so, he wasn't off track. Jimin was known to be that person, hard to be impress. Of course he was the heart throb at our school, until he move to Korea. Number of guys or even girls were seduce by his charms. At times they would harass him. Sending love letters, frequent gifts, even resort to stalking and bribing him to date them. But soon after Jimin grow tired of them, God alone would know what he had told his mother, straight after being threatened by his mom, Mrs Park, thoes kids was afraid to even walk the same route as Jimin.

"I guess that Jungkook is really a good guy, you even fell in love with him, so when are the both of you going to get official" he said damping the cloth in some cool water.

"Well we have a date this Sunday, m-maybe by then".

"Hm okay, hope it works out. I mean dude, even if it's only for a day or just holding hands and a peck on the lips, a teenager must experience dating or even being in love with a person at least once during there school year. And your no exception, I thought that part of your heart, which indicate/signal endearments was on a vacation for a long period of time. Making me wonder, if you would leave school, grow old and die ever getting to fall in love".

I rolled my eyes at his joked, my face marred in annoyance.

"Shut up dick face, and stop exaggerating" I said, the tone of my voice emptied of any source of emotion.

"Dick face right back at yah bitch!" Taemin countered, making the both of us laugh at our stupidity. As soon as we calmed down, we wish each other a good health and hang up.

Once i grabbed hold of some energy, I stood from out of my bed and lead my way to the kitchen. The idea of what I should cook crosses my mind as I did so.

I searched the kitchen for the necessary ingredients and equipments, with a satisfied smile on my face, I wash my hand to take off any germs and begin my preparation, while listening to my favourite group Ateez. Dancing and singing along to the new song which had just release.

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