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Jimin sat up in his bed. How did he reach here he wonders as he lead his way to the bathroom. He brush his teeth, goggles some water and went down the stairs to the living room.

"Mother" Jimin said with a smile, face bright as he approach the woman.

"Hey chim chim, did you slept well" Mrs Park asked and the little one respond with a yes. "Oh that's good baby. By the way, Taemin father  called. He said something about taking care of some type of- problem so his son had to went home early. I wonder what's going on" Mrs Park said voice full of confusion.

"It's alright mom. Mr Lee and Taemin are very smart. If they have any source of problem, I bet they could overcome it and shouldn't you be leaving right now, you don't wanna be late" Jimin implied making his mother gasped.

"Oh no. Goodbye darling, I love you. Make sure you eat something before going to school!" Mrs Park yelled and went to kiss her son on the cheek before she rushed out. Jimin laugh and shook his head as he watch the woman stumbled, forcing her self to get in the car.

"This woman" I sighed and went to get ready for school. Jimin finish freshened up and leave. After a few hour and a half he arrived, entering through the gates just to be stop by someone.

"You must be Jimin right, no but ofcourse you are, I wouldn't miss you anywhere" the person said with the most familiar voice. Jimin look towards the boy, his face form into a shock one, as he place on the most fakest smile he could muster. Why did I have to run in to him? Am I that unlucky?

"Jeonhoon!?" Jimin stated internally rolling his eyes. Why now? Why did I have be the one to see him? And most of all. Why is he here?

"Yeah. It's me. Is something wrong? You look a bit freaked out. Am I that ugly" Jeonhoon said as he laugh. He may not look ugly but his personality says otherwise. Jimin block the thought from his mind and laugh along with the him.

"By the way. Your the first to ever recognize me at this school as Jeonhoon and not Jungkook" he bragged, ignoring what he said I begin to ask him my question.

"Uhm- what are you doing here?" Jimin asked with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. It's not because he hate the guy. But because he gets this weird feeling that say back the hell away from him.

"Do you want me to leave or something cause it sure sounds like you do?".

"No! It's not, well- not exactly, but I was just curious" I answered forcing a weak laugh.

"It's okay Jimin. I was just playing with you. As you can see I have something in my hands. I'm bringing this specially made food for my brother. It's his breakfast he left while rushing out of his home. He can be forgetful at times, a cutie as well. Hahahaha" I cringe at what he said but hide it.

"Uhm, I guess I should go then" I quickly noted trying to get away from him, but like I said I am unlucky as hell.

"Wait!" the both of us stare at each other and he seem a bit hesitant for some reason. I gulp, thinking that he wouldn't ask me for any type of request.


And I guess this is just one of those moments when you are unlucky. Sigh. This is definitely not my day. We began our walk to Jungkook class. It was a bit awkward and....Silent. But who wouldn't, we weren't that close and I can tell that he hates me.

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