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"Oh. I didn't even saw that you have a guest. My bad" a guy with dark brown skin and light brown hair stated. And can I just say, his eyes are lime green and so beautiful.

" Shit. Jimin I'm so sorry, I was just a little caught up. Taehyung said rubbing the back of his neck as he looked down. "Guys this is my friend jimin, he's a transfer student....And fun fact, Chloe".


"He's not a girl but a boy" Said Taehyung with a smug smile. You can hear the prodigious amount of whistling from his friends, except one.

"Hot guy" a brown hair boy mouthed.

"So I've been told". I affirm giving him a stare causing him to chuckled. "And a bold one too. So Jimin, you want to sit" he asked pointing at the table.

"Yeah that'll be good" I answered before proceeding to sit next to him. Taehyung just watched us talking, thinking sympathetically that his new friend had found another favorite. With a vex pout he went to sit next to the girl with Orange hair. The one who brought the attention on me, not that I give a shit anyway.

"Well Jimin, my name is Eric and we have Chole". That's the girl sitting next to Taehyung.

"Miyako" he said pointing at the girl in the corner next to the one called Chloe. Chloe is in the middle.

"Yoongi or Suga" and That's the boy with mint hair and pale skin sitting next to the girl called Miyako. And how is that possible? well, it's because the seat is curve into a U. He continues to introduce the guys.

"And last but not least. J-hope/ Hoseok, Haruhi and Jungkook/ Jk" he finished, showing me a guy with red hair I assume is J-hope, a blue hair guy called Haruhi and a black long raven hair guy called Jungkook. I have to commend but they are all really handsome guys and pretty girl's.

"Nice to meet you " I kindly greet and they all bow there head at me. They are all really silent though.

"Jimin- ah" Chloe called, and I turn my attention to her. Signalling her that she can speak. "Is that your real hair" she asked.

" Yes it is" I respond. "Why you asked?".

" I don't know, it just kinda look fake on you. Or maybe your the one who is making it fake, because you really are." She insulted, leering at me.

"Chloe-" before Taehyung could say anything I responded with.

" And your real. A real ass that is! was that even necessary, you don't even know me and yet your here calling people fake. Just so you know fake people have an image to maintain; real people don't give a shit". Everyone looked at me surprised and that bitch of a sort was there staring, with her ugly disgusting eyes. She give a half-supperesed laugh before saying" look Jimin I was playing with you, didn't have to get so angry".

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