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My apologies but I don't think I will be updating anytime soon, my phone kept on being shitty, glitching and moving without me doing anything, I don't know when my phone will be fixed due to quarantine but as soon as it get repaired I will continue to publish my stories. Even now at this moment it's being shitty, it's giving me a lot of problems to just write one word😣😣😣😣 once again sorry, even though some of you might not give a damn about this😅nevertheless  sorry.....i hope everyone is safe. Follow the healthy procedures and please stay inside. At this point I want to cry, but I am doing something constructive with my time, although I publish 19 chapters I have been writing a lot more chapters than that, but because of problem with my phone😑😑 I can't publish them😒😒😒....Anyways bye and sorry for this dilemma and I'll try to fix this right away...Bye👋😔😢

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