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"Hurry it up Jimin"Chloe finally exclaimed as she was getting impatient. After minutes upon waiting, the boy barged out of his house; bowing and repeatedly apologizing once they were within sight. I felt really regretful, because I know if we were late for the bus they will definitely gang beat me. Especially Chloe and Haruhi.

"Tch! Seriously mochi. Get in the god damn car already" Taehyung said, voice adjured, staring hopelessly at the boy who bowed once again and slowly find a way in his seat.

"I'm really sorry guys" Jimin continue to beg for forgiveness.

"As long as we don't miss the bus, you won't be killed" Chloe assured, burst out laughing once the boy starts praying to the gods. Taehyung chuckled quietly, but once he catch sight of a blond hair girl his face immediately grimace. Twisting his mouth in worry as he stare her down. Miyako was quiet, but it is not the type of quiet you want to see. He knew, he knew since they first met today that she wasn't well. Her eyes was droopy and lost all stars. It was almost like she wasn't the fun-loving Miyako anymore. The guilt was eating him whole, and that's when it hit him, that he seriously need to make things straight for them.

"Tae Tae-hyung. Are you okay?" I asked, but obviously the answer is written right in front of me. You don't need deep maths and rocket science to know that these heartbreaking soul are crumbling bit by bit inside. I think I should help them, and fast at that.

"I'm okay, It's nothing actually" he replied, showing a toothily grin  before looking away, eyes trailed through the window as if in thoughts. I sighed, and take that actions as a sign that he wasn't really okay. I leave him be, figuring out that, that was the best option for now. My thoughts was alarmed, feeling my hand being enveloped by another. I glance up at the owner, seeing that his attention was far gone outside. I smile gripping tightly onto his. Watching his expression, watching how surprised he looked before a slight smile, almost gentle, formed onto his face. It wasn't noticeable, but from where I sat I could very much see it. Feeling accomplished I looked away; with our hands latched onto each other. How bold of us to do this behind our friends.

"Is there something wrong Jungkook" I said a smirk visible on my face, I heard him simpered before ushering his body closer to me. My eyes still looking away from him, until I felt something wet on my ears, I jolt in my seat breath itched at my throat, my body stiffened as he bit my earlobe, giving kitty licks. His hands tracing an invisible line down my toroso, the touch was gentle but enough to make me crazy.

"Jungkook, what-" My talk was interrupted by his breathy whispers against my ear. It wasn't anything special but why does it sound so sexy coming from him.

"You should stop fighting it Jimin....we both know we want each other" The blush creeping up his cheeks was enough to make Jimin feel things he haven't before, he nudge Jungkook's hands from his thigh, Jimin knew if he let him have his own way. Shit was about to go down. No matter how much I push him away he doesn't budge one bit, Jungkook still remain dangerously close to me. Jimin felt like he was being tested by the goddess of lust without knowing it. Just before he was about to loose all strains of himself, someone magically save me, but I can't help but be embarrassed along the way.

"Here we are! And Jungkook stop teasing Jimin" I gritted my teeth towards Eric, whoes smile never leave his face as he stared at us.

"Hello I am still young to see R-rated scenes...You guys don't know the definition of decency, don't yah" Hoseok stated, my embarrassment was up the roof. Hearing the immense amount of 'oohing' from the guys, I decided to storm out of the car. Sending Jungkook a killing glare, expecting him to feel a bit remorse. Forgetting that this is Jungkook, not some random perv at a cafe, that smirk has no shame. And I was just warming up to him again.

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