00 | Author's Note

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Hey, guys! Kait here.

Here's what to expect in this book:

Romance? Check!
Betrayal? Check!
Friendship? Check!
Drama? Check! Check! Check!

...okay, that was cringeworthy.

Well, whatever. Anyways, if you're interested in any of the following, then by all means, kindly proceed!

Also, a little warning, this book's POVs change all the time... and sometimes I like to throw in a little third-person's POV, too... Sorry it's a little unorganized. I started writing this in first-person, but as I grew as a writer, I realized I sort of like writing in third-person more. I didn't want to change all the chapters into third-person, though, because I felt like that was way too much work on my part, so... please bear with me on this, hehe. Maybe I'll revise them someday, that way the POVs would be consistent, but that's way down the road for now.

I've actually had this book in the works for a long time now but never chose to continue it after writing a couple of chapters. It all happened without much planning, really. One day, as a girl deeply infatuated (around the 9th grade maybe), I decided to write this book as a means to pour out my unsaid feelings. Needless to say, I pretty much abandoned the project once my feelings subsided. That would've been the end of it, but a few months (maybe even years) later, I rediscovered this book and read up until the last chapter I had written. Well, suffice it to say, I fell in love with the whole concept all over again, so I decided this book would be worth visiting again, so... here it is!

There will be some scenes for more mature audiences, but it won't go too far. Low-key mature scenes, if you will (apparently Wattpad calls them "fade to black" scenes or something, which I actually thought made a lot of sense). Each chapter has roughly 500 to 1500 words (occasionally 1700), and usually, if it exceeds the limit, I split the chapter into two.

Lastly, this book is sort of inspired by Gossip Girl (love you, GG)—its themes of love and stuff, mostly. So, I guess if you're a GG fan (like me :>), then this is right up your alley! Of course, if you're not a fan, you could enjoy this, too.

Fun fact, I learned about the whole limerence concept (in layman's terms, unrequited love) from Pretty Little Liars—the scene where Spencer and Toby played Scrabble and she slyly told him that she was still in love with him.

Lastly, if you want all the updates—i.e. sneak peaks, etc.—on this book or just my life as an author, you can follow me @/see_she_writes on Instagram! A little shameless plug for you there, hehe.

Anyhow, if you're still with me, I won't delay you any longer! I hope you can put up with some of the cringy scenes, and know that I've poured my heart and soul into this! ♥️

So, without further adieu, I present to you, Blinded by Limerence! 👉

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