Chapter 8

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We made our way back to our house as the sun was setting. Gabriel pulled up as Anne left the house to come greet us. "Hey! How did it go?" She beamed, making me smile softly.

"It was fine, Anne. But I did have to mind control them since her mother wasn't content with her living with strangers." Gabriel explained as he walked up. "It would be strange if she did." April joked.

We all made our way inside when I saw Liam in the living room when I spoke. "That smell is amazing. What are you making?" I asked Anne, making her smile brightly as she tried to look disappointed.  "It was supposed to be a surprise. Go and get cleaned up and then it'll be ready." Anne stated as she walked into the kitchen. Damon and I did as we were told as we walked upstairs.

We were in front of our bedroom doors when I spoke, snapping him from his thoughts. "Hey, Damon. I was wondering... I just-" I sighed, cutting myself off. He put my bags down and I could see him smile from my rambling.

"It's stupid. I'm just going to get-." Damon cut me off as I continued. "Luna," Damon said, grabbing my hand to face him again. "What is it you want to talk about?" He said trying to fight off his amusement as he smiled down at me.

"I don't know. It's just... Are you being this nice to me because you want me to help you guys? Because one thing is for certain is that whatever I feel for you is not what I feel towards a friend." I sighed inwardly, scolding myself. Squeezing my eyes shut in regret and humiliation. I can't believe I am telling him all this.

"Just forget it. I don't know what came over me." I stated again as I tried to dismiss myself, but he squeezed my hand lightly to make me stay. He took a step towards me, making my breath hitch.

"What I feel for you is more than just a friend also. I am not nice to you because I want you to help us. I am nice to you because I like you." Damon replied sternly, making my brain turn to putty as he stared into my eyes. "A lot." He growled and continued leaning his face closer to mine as I felt his minty breath against my burning skin.

"Really?" I asked breathlessly, unable to concentrate on anything but him. I bit my lip looking away trying to gather my thoughts receiving a groan from him. "What's wrong?" I asked quickly, looking up at him.

"Don't do that." He demanded. "Don't bite your lip. It drives me wild." He continued sounding breathless as his lips inched down towards mine. "What if I want to drive you wild?" I teased with newfound confidence, making him smirk. My breathing became erratic and I almost began to pant. What was he doing to me?

"Do you have any idea how badly I want to kiss you right now?" He asked, staring down at my lips that were itching to feel his against them. I shook my head lightly as I looked up at him. I wanted to kiss him too. I craved it. I wanted to feel him against me. Maybe I shouldn't have but I wanted to. "So, fucking badly." Damon answered.

Feeling strong unknown feelings boiling in the pit of my stomach making my heartbeat twice as fast. Before I could reply, Damon crashed his lips on mine. I didn't have time to recover before he started to kiss me.

I was taken by surprise but quickly started to kiss him back as I ran my fingers through his hair. I took my time to memorize the feel of his lips against mine.

As cliché as it sounds, I felt the fireworks everyone talks about. It was strong and visible. I could feel it more and more as we kept kissing. He tasted minty and fresh and a little like coffee and cigarette smoke, but I didn't mind. I could smell his natural scent as I kissed him back with just as much passion.

Damon slowly pulled away from me, making me drop my hands behind his neck. We stared into each other's eyes before he spoke. "Sleep with me." I looked at him with confusion before he spoke again. "Sleep with me again tonight." Damon said again breathlessly, making me hesitate.

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