Chapter 40

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(Warning: This chapter contains sexual content.)

Damon and I were now back in bed after putting a protection spell over the house. I was wide awake, carelessly running my fingers through his hair softly to not wake him up. Staring out the window as the sun started to rise, I couldn't help but get lost in my thoughts.

How am I going to explain to the council that another original was the result of people dying? Will they even believe me? Will Benjamin listen to the truth of what really happened? Will Amber try to get in contact with me if she hasn't already crossed over?

"You should stay home today. I don't want anything happening at school." Damon said snapping me from my thoughts. "Oh, is that why you want me to stay home?" I teased making him wrap his arms around my waist as he looked up at me. "Among other reasons." He replied seductively, making me let out a breathy chuckle as he kissed my jawline.

"I've already missed too much school. I need to keep my grades up before I graduate in a few weeks." I said breathless trying to talk myself out of staying home.

Damon just groaned against me as he kissed down my neck and ran his hands up my sides. My shirt bunched up showing off my stomach making Damon lower his head to start kissing my stomach. "Is this you trying to convince me?" I breathed, closing my eyes.

"Depends. Is it working?" His lips made their way to the edge of my shorts before he pulled them down with my underwear. I gasped as the cold air met my skin before I felt his lips against in-between my legs. I let out a soft moan as he spread my legs. I bent my knees giving him better access as he held onto my thighs roughly.

Damon continued to tease me as I gripped his hair roughly with my nails and arch my back to try to bring him closer. He pulled away from me making me open my eyes to him smirking at me.

"Are you going to stay home?" Damon asked as he kissed my thighs softly making me close my eyes again at the feelings his lips caused within me. "Are you bribing me?" I asked breathless making him chuckle.

I felt his breath against my inner thighs making me squeeze my eyes as I tried to hold in a moan from his kisses. Damon licked in-between my thighs without warning making me let out a breathy moan.

"Are you?" Damon repeated making me groan as he pulled away again. "Fine." I said as I opened my eyes to grip his hair and pushed him towards me.

He just chuckled against me before he gave me at what I have been longing to feel. Damon gripped my thighs to pull them further apart making me moan as I clawed at his bedsheets.

Damon's mouth started off slow and soft. With every passing minute I became wetter as his soft tongue and lips devoured me in the most vulnerable way.

"You're a bad influence." I stated as he kissed my neck softly making him chuckle against me. "What are we going to do today then?" I asked as he continued to kiss my neck sloppily. "Town council meeting." He muttered against my skin as he kissed in-between words making me tense.

Pulling away, sitting up and putting back on my shorts before I walked into the bathroom to start getting ready.

Once I finished in the bathroom, I walked back into the bedroom to get dressed. Noticing Damon was already dressed as he sat on the bed reading. I couldn't help but smile at how concentrated he was as he read, not realizing I was in the room.

"I feel uneasy at the fact that Charles won't stop until he knows I am dead. I shouldn't be putting you or anyone else in danger. That man could have shot you, Damon. Or Liam." I started to worry until he walked over to me.

"Don't worry. You can easily protect yourself and so can Liam and me. We will tell the town council today and they will deal with Charles." Damon replied before he hugged me instantly putting me at ease.

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