Chapter 16

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"Cole is Luke." I exclaimed full of realization.  Damon looked at me like I just grew a second head. "What?" Damon scoffed.

"Think about it. Luke showed up right out of the blue a-and has been by April's side ever since. He somehow knows I have powers and threatened me about finding out who he is. And soon." I explained tense with worried eyes. "Cole shapeshifted into a student to get close to me." I finished making Damon rake his fingers through his hair.

"How does he know about you? Why would he come to your school?" Damon asked, making me shrug as we walked to class. "Maybe he knew what the council was planning and wanted to find me first. Maybe he wants to see me a-and what my powers are. See how strong I am." I listed to him as he stopped to think intensely.

"Makes sense." He breathed out. "Why didn't I think of that?" Damon continued to himself, making me hold his hand. "Now we have the upper hand. Cole doesn't know we know. Didn't you see how scared he was when he thought I knew who he was?" I smiled enthusiastically hoping this would help us and our situation.

"I asked him if April knew what he was, and he asked me if I knew who he was. Now we have an advantage." I explained through a smile before I opened the classroom door.

It was now the end of the school day and Damon and I were waiting outside for April. "Where have you been?" I asked with a smile as she blushed lightly. "With Luke," April replied, instantly making my smile wipe away.

"Should I tell her?" I thought to him, making him shake his head 'no'. "We need Cole to think we don't know. If she suddenly stopped seeing him, he would suspect something." Damon replied.

"Earth to, Luna." April said. "Sorry. I-I was just thinking." I smiled weakly. "About tomorrow. T-The party. Where is it going to be?" I stuttered trying to change the subject.

"It's at some guys house." She shrugged. "I will pick you up if you want." April said. I chuckled nervously not wanting her to travel into the town. "No, it's okay. Damon can drive me." I replied. "I should probably go though. I will see you tomorrow." Smiling as I walked backwards giving her a small wave. "Alright, bye! Text me!" April yelled, making me remember I didn't have a phone.

"I need to buy a phone." I groaned sliding into his car making Damon turn to look at me confused. "Oh, I lost my phone when some handsome stranger tried to kidnap me." I chirped through a wide grin. "But it's no biggie now. We're dating. Did I not tell you?" I joked, making him laugh while rolling his eyes.

We drove in comfortable silence the whole way home. I couldn't stop thinking about Anne and Cole. Wondering if Gabriel and Liam know that she knew him. That Anne and the town council is responsible. Why didn't he just kill me when he had the chances? Now I really need to learn to control my powers. And soon.

I had all these questions flooding my mind."I really don't feel like facing her right now." I confessed to him breaking the silence as we pulled up to their house. "Me neither. But we have to sooner or later." Damon said as I turned off the car. "I'd rather it be later." I huffed making him chuckle lightly.

"Do you think Liam and Gabriel know?" I asked as I looked over at him. "I doubt Gabriel knows. He can't keep a secret to save his life." Damon teased in fake annoyance. "But there's something I still don't understand. Why would you kill someone for having 'too many powers' but then when your plan backfired you ask someone with many more powers for help." I scoffed full of anger and bitterness. Shaking my head before looking down into my lap debating on sharing my next thought with him.

"Now I'm not so sure if I should even help them." I confessed hesitantly as I looked over to him. Damon frowned, adjusting in his seat looking at me with worry. "I-I mean Cole has a right to be upset." I began to get frustrated.

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