Chapter 49

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My eyes widened but before I could wonder about it further I was interrupted by someone shaking me harshly.

"Luna." Damon hovered over me shaking my shoulders. "What's wrong?" Damon asked full of concern not removing his warm hands from my arms.

"I... I-I don't know." I held my head disoriented, squinting at the harsh lighting. "I was getting ready then I was suddenly in Mathew's room. I had a premonition but I was... awake." I said looking up at him to see his eyes widen slightly at my words trying to appear collected. Though I could see right through it watching the wheels turn in the back of his mind.

"Are you okay?" Damon asked, making me nod. "Yeah. It just felt so weird. I felt weightless and paralyzed before I had the vision." I explained nervously.

"I didn't know I could have them awake." I confessed looking up at him as his eyes stayed fixed on me intensely as he held me upright afraid to let me go. "There is a lot we don't know about your powers. No one that we know of was able to see the past and future other than Agnes. And it doesn't help that all the other originals are in hiding." Damon replied.

"What did you see?" He asked me trying to change the subject, making my eyes widen. "Anne. She wrote him a letter about how I found out about them killing Sofia. Anne asked him for help to get out of jail." I explained frantically.

"Why would she ask him for help? How does she even know where he is?" Damon asked quickly, making me shrug. "I don't know. I guess there is a lot more she is hiding from everyone." I said, making him sigh, raking his fingers through his soft hair.

"It is still so hard to believe that she is capable of all this. We were friends for years, yet I feel like I don't even know her anymore." Damon confessed mostly to himself making my heart ache for him. I placed my palm on his arm to make him look down at me full of sadness as I replied.

"I know but now we know the truth. Now you know what type of person she really is. Which is much better than her putting up a fake façade. Now you know the truth about her and what she has done." I said as he stared into my brown eyes that held so much warmth and sadness for him.

"You're right." Damon replied with a weak smile. "Of course, I am." I said, trying to lighten up the mood making him chuckle softly.

"We're here." Damon said as he parked the car on the side of the busy street. Once I closed the car door I looked around and was met with a small adorable apothecary shop in the middle of town square.

There were flower bouquets on either side of the door, alive and some also hung dried. Herbs and flowers were also hanging upside down in the shade drying out. There was an awning covering outside the shop sign that read: Hilda's Spells and Herbs.

As we walked through the door a small bell rung notifying a customer had walked in. The smell of lavender and mint flooded my nose as Damon grabbed my hand. I looked around as he walked me around the beautiful, comforting shop surrounded by jars of herbs and small dead animals and insects used for spells. The inside was a lot larger than it seemed on the outside realizing it must be under some sort of a spell.

"Damon?! Is that you?" An older woman beamed coming from the back room making me jump slightly. Snapping my eyes away from the array of interesting supplies for spells watching an older woman make her way over to us.

"Hello, Hilda." Damon said as the woman hugged him. "Where have you been? I haven't seen you in far too long!" Hilda said, looking up at him, placing her hand on his face affectionately for a moment. "And who is this lovely woman?" Hilda asked.

"I'm Luna." I smiled brightly, feeling comfortable with this beautiful older woman. "Yes, of course!" Stretching my arm out to shake hers, making her move past it to hug quickly engulf me. I was taken aback making Damon chuckle down at me before we pulled apart. "I should have known there's rumors going around that our savior is staying with Gabriel and Anne's beautiful family home." She beamed.

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