Chapter 59

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"H-Hello?" A woman asked as I tried to look around the room. Darkness flooded every corner of the room as a small beam of moonlight shined through the bars on the window.

After a few seconds of no reply the woman tried to pull at her wrists that were shackled in chains to the ground. "Hello? Is someone there?" She asked again as she stumbled to her feet.

She tried walking to a tall wooden door when the cuffs on her wrists pulled her back harshly a few steps away from the door. The woman grunted in pain and annoyance as she tried to pull the chains out of the ground.

She muttered to herself as she stepped into the moonlight making my eyes widen at the familiar face. "It's no use." A man said from the corner of the dark room. "W-Who is there?" She asked as she stumbled backwards away from the voice.

"Aaron." He said as he walked towards us into the moonlight. "Where are we?" She asked him as he shrugged lightly.

The man had light brown hair and clothing that looked dirty and worn. Showing that he had been here for some time.

"Don't know. The last thing I remember was walking to the kitchen, then pain in my head before I woke up here." He answered honestly, making her frown as she looked away trying to think. "Do you know Charles? He normally only captures people who he can't kill." Aaron continued making us look at him again.

"This is Charles' doing?" She asked. She started pacing back and forth causing the chains to hit each other. "Who are you?" The man asked after a few minutes of silence making her stop pacing.


I woke up like a bolt of lightning as I sat up breathing heavily. Rubbing my palms against my face trying to calm myself down and make sense of my premonition. Damon was still fast asleep as he laid beside me stretched out on his stomach.

Laying back down beside him, wrapping my arm around his waist as he subconsciously did the same to me. Damon pulled me closer to him as I nuzzled my face into him drifting back into an abyss.

"Daddy!" A little boy beamed as he ran towards Damon in our kitchen. "Hey, little man." He said through a smile before he picked him up to kiss him on the cheek.

"Where's Mama?" Damon asked him as the little boy laughed lightly. "She is still sleeping. Why is she so tired all the time?" The little boy asked, making Damon smile before they started walking upstairs.

"Because you are going to have a new sibling. She is sleeping so she can gain her strength for the day she has to pop her out." He replied, making the little boy giggle. "Is that why her tummy is getting bigger?" The toddler asked again, making Damon's smile brighten.

"Yes, little man." Damon said before he walked up to a door. "Now be quiet. We are going to surprise her." He whispered, making the little boy giggle as he nodded.

Damon opened the door softly until we were met with a woman lying in bed sleeping. The bedroom was a beautiful crisp white with plants in every corner of the room. There was a large window that had a beautiful view of a garden and a small pond making my heart fill with warmth.

The little boy's laugh snapped me out of my thoughts. He crawled towards me as I laid on my back in a deep sleep. Damon sat next to me, making me smile at the beautiful family I was witnessing.

"Mommy!" The little boy beamed softly, making me open my eyes before I smiled widely. "My two favorite boys. There better be a good reason for waking me up." I teased making the boy giggle before he hugged me tightly.

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