Chapter 20

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"Can you please tell me what is wrong? You have been tense ever since we got here." Damon said as he shut the door behind him. "I-" I started but I couldn't spit out the words.

"This-I-" I started but a sob escaped my throat. I hated how weak I felt in this moment with him and how much that night still affected me to this day. Leaning back to grip the sides of the sink behind me as I bowed my head.

"Please don't cry, baby. Just tell me what's wrong." Damon whispered as he held my face trying to make me look at him. "This house. I-It's where Sam raped me." I answered as a sob escaped my throat making him pull away

"What?" He spit, making me rub my palms over my face wiping the tears away. "Outside. It's where he-" I tried answering again but couldn't. Damon tilted my head up to look at me and wiped off a few tears with his thumb. "We're leaving." He said in a firm tone with his soft eyes full of heartache making me shake my head.

"No, we can't. We took Gabriel's car and we can't leave them or force them to leave with us." I said as I looked up at him. "We can explain-" Damon said making me tense again.

"No." I cut him off firmly. "I don't want them to know. Please. Let's just go back outside. I will be fine." I continued making him look down at me. "I hate seeing you like this." He confessed as he wrapped his arms around me. "Do you want to go take a walk?" Damon asked as we pulled apart slightly to look down at me. "Yes." I answered as he raked my hair behind my ear.

After I fixed my appearance, we left the bathroom and walked back into the living room. I saw April dancing with a crowd making me chuckle as I rolled my eyes playfully. I wish I was as carefree as she was.

As we continued walking, I saw Liam was outside smoking making me frown, unable to find Gabriel or Cole. "Where's Cole?" I asked, looking around frantically making him do the same. "Maybe he left. I don't understand why he's here in the first place." Damon confessed.

"Don't you? Didn't you come to a party to find and confront me?" I teased making him fight his smile. "Hey, Luna!" Blake said startling me before I smiled lightly. "Hi, Blake. How are you?" I asked. I could tell Damon was annoyed but I ignored him.

"I-I'm good." He answered. "Who's your friend?" Blake asked, looking up at Damon with a friendly smile in slight intimidation trying to play it off. "This is Damon. Damon, this is Blake." I introduced looking up at Damon's face that was obviously unamused and annoyed with Blake. "Be nice." I thought to him, making him look down at me and smirk.

"Oh, h-how do you two know each other? I haven't seen you around school." Blake asked again, making Damon and I look at him. "We are dating." Damon answered, grabbing my hand. " And I have already graduated high school." He said, making Blake frown.

"Oh. I-I didn't know you were involved." Blake said to me, making me groan inward. "I... We should probably go. It was nice seeing you." I replied to him as we walked away.

"Well, that was weird. Why was he so surprised?" I asked Damon as we walked towards the front door pushing through the crowd of sweaty bodies. "Because he has a thing for you." Damon answered.

"He is probably just surprised that someone like you is with someone like me." I said as we left the house. "What do you mean?" Damon asked, looking down at me making me roll my eyes.

"It's obvious I am out of your league, Damon. People expect you to be with someone more like Candace or April rather than me." I answered as we walked down the sidewalk under the moonlight and street lamps. Loving the change of scenery and the fresh air compared to the packed house filled with the smell of sweat, alcohol and smoke.

"You're not out of my league, Luna. I wouldn't date someone like Candace." Damon replied, making me frown. "Oh? Why not?" I asked slightly amused. Everyone wanted to date her since she was popular and pretty not seeing through it all.

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