Chapter 66

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"Hello, Luna." Paul said as my future self-opened the front door to him and Laura. I looked around to see that Damon and I were now fully moved into our new home.

"H-Hello." I replied as I moved to open the door wider for them to enter. My lips parted in shock seeing my stomach and how large it had grown but I quickly shook off my thoughts as she began to speak.

"We are sorry to just show up like this. We just hadn't heard from you and we were getting quite worried." She said as they walked in "I know you're beyond busy with the preparations of your new bundle of joy. We just need to know your decision as soon as possible." Laura smiled gently, pressuring me.

"I'm sorry. I've just had a lot on my plate right now and to be honest it had slipped my mind." I explained to them as I closed the door behind two of their guards as they walked in behind them standing by my front door.

"Oh, of course." Laura said as she looked down at my now obvious pregnant belly. "Have you made a decision?" Paul asked.

"What exactly would my job entail?" I asked them, making Paul's features cover in slight annoyance before he masked them. "You'll be in charge of all laws regarding witches and witch hunters. You will oversee their... discipline if they do not follow them. You will make laws on where they can and cannot live and if they can live amongst mortals. Or if they can have mates who are mortal. You'll-" Laura started to continue before I cut her off.

"Witches can be mates with mortals?" My future self asked her, making her smile wide. "Yes, of course. Mortals have mates also. Though normally it is with other mortals but sometimes fate gives them a witch, vampire or even a werewolf." She explained making my eyes go wide as my future self nodded nonchalantly.

"How will I be in charge of them being able to be with mortals?" I asked. "Yes, technically they are supposed to be together, but it has been forbidden for a long time. Only the same breed of beings could be together has ever been acknowledged and accepted. Especially after what Thea did once everyone found out her and Mathew were dating. That certainly didn't help." Laura answered.

"You will have security with you at all times and at the palace. We cannot risk anyone getting to you to threaten your life to change a law or to gain kept secrets and knowledge between us all." She said. "The palace? I already have a home." I smiled at my beautifully decorated home giving off a warm, comforting ambiance making Paul rejoin the conversation.

"You will be safer at-" He started until I interrupted him. "I am safe here. I have a protection spell on the house and my family. Nothing who wishes us harm will ever set foot here." I stated sternly at him, making him look at me with annoyance at my defiance.

"And besides I can easily take care of myself if needed. I don't need guards to watch my every move." I continued making him huff in annoyance as he crossed his arms. Laura looked at me with a hesitant smile.

"Does this mean you are taking the position?" She asked me with a smile as she looked at me with eager eyes. "As long as we can continue living here and we don't have too much security interfering with our lives." I negotiated before she quickly embraced me in a hug.

"I am so thrilled! You have no idea how stressful our lives have been having all this extra work. Thank you so much, Luna." She beamed as we pulled apart. "It's so nice to finally see another fellow woman in power. I hope we can grow to be friends and not just colleagues." Laura confessed, making me smile again.

"I would like that."

Turning my head towards Damon as I awoke gently from my dream. The sun was shining against his handsome features as his lips parted softly. His messy black hair was falling over his forehead as the side of his face rested against the mattress. One of his arms was draped over my stomach.

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