Chapter 63

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"I don't know if this is such a good idea." I breathed softly to Faye and Liam as Damon made breakfast. "The royals deserve to know the truth about everything. They still believe that you are an evil witch who escaped captivity to kill them. You need to tell them everything!" Faye explained sternly, making me sigh heavily remembering the dream I had when I was in captivity.

"I-" I began to tell them my concerns until she continued. "Thea's death needs to be avenged for what Mathew did to her! And to all those innocent people." She pressed. "How do you know they will even believe me? Like you said, they still think I'm evil and shouldn't be trusted." I replied.

"If they still don't believe you after you explain everything then you can just do a truth spell on yourself." Faye said simply. I frowned confused but before I could question her Damon placed a plate of waffles on the counter instantly capturing my attention.

"I don't know any truth spells for myself." I said with my mouth full as Liam and I started to eat messily. Faye grabbed a notepad and pen from the counter and began writing.

"Blue like clear sky, the truth shall not hide. By this sky blue, they will know what is true. I invoke protection, for no more misdirection. They will receive the truth." Faye wrote, making me memorize the words as I continued to eat.

"Are you sure you don't want us to go?" Liam asked. Parting my lips to reply until Damon quickly interrupted me. "I'm not letting you go alone, Luna." Damon stated matter-of-factly.

"Damon-" I started until he interrupted me again making me frown in annoyance. "I'm not letting you go there alone." He growled. "I can take care of myself, Damon." I replied gently not wishing to get into an argument in front of them.

"You... You need to start to slow down." He chose his words carefully in front of Faye. "You used to be able to take care of yourself but now you have someone else to protect." Damon said quietly as he walked up to me. I looked away from him again in guilt realizing he was right. I had to start handling things differently knowing our child growing inside of me wasn't strong yet.

"I know. You're right." I stated making him tilt my chin up to look up at him. "I'm not letting you go there alone. I don't know what I would do if I lost you." He confessed softly down at me before he placed a small kiss on my lips.

"Just please don't get hurt or die. Again. Because I know what I would do if you died, Damon. And it scares me. I've never felt so much madness and fury in my whole life." I confessed as a tear slid down my face. "Never again." Damon replied as he wiped away my tear.

"You'll need to visualize the house as you chant." Faye said, making me nod as I held Damon and Liam's hand as we stood in the living room. I repeated the teleportation spell Faye had previously taught me before all three of us suddenly woodshed and appeared at the steps of the royal's mansion.

"Woah." Liam breathed pulling away from me to look around "I have a bad feeling about this." I muttered to Damon as he continued to hold my hand. Ignoring all my insecurities as we walked up the tall steps. With every step I took I filled with more and more uneasiness wanting to stop and pull away.

"Do you know what you're going to say?" Liam asked beside me as we walked up to the doors. "Yes. That is if they let me speak before they try to put me in a cell again." I said nervously as I stared at the doors.

I lifted my hot hand up to the door knocker before I picked it up and banged it against the door three times. I had to let go of Damon's hand to rub my sweaty palm against my jeans.

"May I help you?" An older man asked, dressed in a pristine black and white suit. "I'm here to speak with Paul and Laura." I replied, making him nod. "And you are...?" He asked, raking me up and down. His eyes traveled to Liam and Damon by my sides.

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