Chapter 33

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Letting out a shaky breath knocking on Cole's front door. After a few seconds of silence, I spoke. "Maybe we should do what he did and just kick the door down." I joked, making Damon chuckle. "Please don't." Cole opened the door suddenly.

"What do you want?" He asked pushing past him to walk inside. "Do you treat all your guests with this much hospitality?" I asked sarcastically with a smile making him roll his eyes closing the door behind us. "We are meeting the town council and we thought you should come. We are going to tell them the truth about what they did to Sofia. I thought you'd want to come." I confessed honestly as he looked at me confused.

"Why?" Cole asked, making me frown. "Why not? Don't you want closure and to see them sweat for what they did?" I asked him. He scoffed as he looked away from me.

"I want a lot more than to just see the sweat under pressure." He said angry,  making my features soften. "Me too, Cole. They will be punished, I promise." I said sternly, as his features softened.

"So, are you coming or what? We kinda need you to drive us so I hope it's a 'yes'." I said with a smile making him scoff again trying to fight him. He grabbed his keys and locked the door behind us.

We drove in silence before we soon drove up to the familiar house Anne drove Damon and I to when we met the town council. Wow, have things changed since then. "Thank you." Cole broke the silence, making me turn to him.

He has seriousness written all over his face. "Just promise me you won't kill anyone." I said seriously with a slight smile. "They aren't going to be very pleased to see me." Cole stated obviously as we all got out of the car and started walking up to the house. "Just let me handle them." I said as I knocked on the door.

"Luna! It's so good to-" Chloe started until she saw Cole. "What is he doing here?" She breathed full of fear not tearing her eyes away from him. "Nice to see you again too." Cole said, making me sigh knowing this wouldn't be as easy as I would've liked.

"We have something to discuss." I answered. She looked at me with wide eyes. We pushed past her inside and was met with the same decor and people I saw last time. But instead of their smiles and welcomes, I was met with their frowns and confused, angry faces.

A woman dropped her glass in shock making everyone else look at us. "What the hell is he doing here? Are you trying to have us killed?!" William beamed, making me roll my eyes. "I'm here to make sure there will be no more killing." I pressed as he glared at me walking closer.

"If I had known you would be this much of a nuisance, I would never have hired you." He said, making me smirk at him. "But you didn't. Your daddy did." I said full of humor making his face harden.

"Luna. What is he doing here?" Anne asked worried as she walked up to me. "Because he deserves to be. I am the only thing keeping him from killing you all right now." I stated making her eyes widen. "Unless you want him to kill you for killing his fiancée."

"Please. Let's not do this here." She said in a hushed tone, making me look at her in fake confusion. "You mean they don't know what William and Chloe did to Sofia?" I asked in fake shock, making William and Sofia's eyes widen.

"What?" James breathed out as he looked between William and I. "Should you tell them or shall I?" I asked as they all grew silent. "God, where do I even begin?" I breathed walking away from Anne's fear trembling body.

"About two months ago I found out I was psychic and had a premonition. I dreamt Anne, William and Chloe conspiring about needing to kill Sofia. How dangerous she was because of all her powers. How much safer you would feel after she was dead. I saw Anne paying a man to kill Sofia and make her look like witch hunters." I explained to them as I glanced at Anne and William occasionally. They glared at me full of anger, worry and confusion for how I knew about all of this.

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