Chapter 46

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"You do protect me, Damon." I said just above a whisper making him look down at my lips. I was about to continue when he interrupted me by kissing me passionately. Full of love and devotion.

Wrapping my legs around his waist as my hands traveled up his chest towards his neck. I put my hands on either side of his face pulling him closer as his hands roamed my back and neck. Our mouths molded until it felt like we were at one with each other.

I felt the exact same feeling Cole described and more making me quickly pull away from him. We both instantly began panting as he hovered over me, his hands still on my waist.

"Please stop getting into trouble. I hate seeing you like this." Damon confessed, making me look up at him with a faint smile. "I won't promise anything." I joked, making him glare at me. He continued to clean my cuts making me hiss in pain.

The pain quickly faded away once I felt his soft fingertips around my cut. "What do you know about mates?" I asked hesitantly, unsure if I should even bring it up. "Just what I learned before I chose not to be a hunter. Why?" Damon asked not looking away from my stomach.

"Cole told me that everyone has mates. A-All supernatural people. I didn't even know those were an actual thing." I rambled nervously, never tearing my eyes away from his face. Chuckling nervously making him shrug focused on my wounds and bruises.

"I'm sure he is right then. He had a mate so he would be the one to know." Damon said not understanding what I was trying to say. Letting it go not wanting to have this conversation shirtless and bleeding in their kitchen anyways.

"Hey. Woah, what happened?" Harry asked, appearing in thin air before he walked closer, making me jump against Damon. "Harry." I breathed making Damon look around the kitchen.

"What happened?" Harry asked again making me squirm feeling weird about him seeing me in a bra. "Witch hunters."

"I-Is this because of me? Do they know I've been talking to you?" Harry asked as I crossed my arms trying to cover my chest which only made it worse. "Of course, not. I think Mathew and Charles just want me dead because I am Agnes' ancestor. And I'm a threat to them." I explained as Damon handed me my shirt.

"Do you mind? She's topless." Damon interjected in a frustrated growl making Harry roll his eyes.

I looked out the window noticing the bright white full moon was the only light outside. "Did you just come by to say hi?" I said playfully. "Yeah, I got bored. There isn't a lot you can do when you're dead and you're only friend crossed over. And all Liam does is watch tv. He needs a girlfriend." Harry rolled his eyes, clearly disappointed in the way Liam spends his free time.

After Harry left, Damon and I made our way upstairs. I started getting dressed in baggy clothes after taking a much needed hot shower washing all of the blood and dirt from my body. "We are mates?" Damon blurted as if it had been on his mind for a while.

Damon stood by the dresser, his eyes never tearing away from me. Turning my head to look at him nervously, unable to look him in the eye. "What?" I muttered as the yellow light shone through the large window behind me overlooking their yard.

"What I feel for you is something I have never experienced before." Damon began his voice dripping seriousness as though he had a sudden realization."It... It's is something unexplainable. You're a force. There's something about you..." Damon trailed off inching towards me. My feet stayed planted in place unable to move.

"I can't ever stay away from you even if I wanted to. Whenever I touch you or hear your laugh, I get this- this feeling and it drives me crazy. In the best way." Damon smiled sweetly  down at me. "I never thought about witches or witch hunters before you brought it up. It never even crossed my mind. But now I can't stop thinking about it." Damon confessed as his eyes held so much confusion and adoration.

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