Chapter 58

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"What?" I breathed pulling away from him. Did he really just say that? Did I hear him right? Damon took a large swig of his bottle. "Who cares if there is too much death and sadness happening around us. We should just tell them-" Damon began instantly making me cut him off.

"I care, Damon." I said sternly. I turned my head away not wanting to argue in front of his friends. "How are things with the council?" Gabriel asked, breaking the short awkward pause.

"You don't know? I thought you worked with them?" I was confused. He drank a large swig of his bottle looking away. "I quit a few days after I learned about Anne." He answered. I nodded understandably remembering how devastated he was being betrayed by not only Anne but his peers he trusted and worked alongside for years.

"Well, I told Cole about what happened to Sofia. Later on we went to tell the council when William ended up attacking me. I found out about Harry and the conspiracy behind his death." I began making Gabriel pucker up, sitting taller. "What? What do you mean?" He asked quickly, looking over at Harry.

"Charles and Mathew killed me. I overheard something I shouldn't have." Harry answered nonchalantly as if it was now old news. "I found Mathew to confront him and tell him to turn himself in when he fought me also. But I... I ended up killing him. So, now Charles has made it his mission to kill me to silence me." I explained loosely. Silently wishing I could drink away my stress alongside them.

"You fought Cole, William and Mathew?" Gabriel asked in shock. "Wow, I really haven't been around much, huh?" He mumbled in slight amazement. "Yeah. You've missed a lot." Harry slurred. "I didn't even know I could ever drink again." He continued

"You're killing the vibe." Liam whined. Standing up to rummage through what was left of the food getting another wave of hunger. "I think you all have had enough." I scoffed amused as I stood up from Damon instantly feeling lightheaded.

Stumbling backwards, closing my eyes as I heard bottles clinking on the coffee table. I felt Damon's hands on my shoulders as he stood hovering over me. "Are you alright?" He asked. Nodding, looking up at his worried features.

"Yes, I'm fine. I just got up too fast." I said putting on a smile. "Are you sure?" Damon pressed again. "Yes, Damon." I answered through a weak smile before noticing Gabriel looking up at us confused. Liam and Harry held the same worried features as Damon.

A little while later as Gabriel sobered up, he headed home leaving Harry and I alone. "I hope it wasn't weird to see them freak out over you." I joked lightly. I watched Damon and Liam walk towards the shore as the full moon illuminated the shimmering waters in the horizon.

"No, It was nice. Nice to finally have him see me and hug me instead of the other way around." Harry confessed. "Do you not want to tell people about the baby because Charles is the only reason?" Harry asked me, making me tense, struggling to reply.

"Yeah. Of course." I said under my breath not looking at him. "You really are shit at lying." He said, making me tense again. "You sound like your brother." I mumbled unamused raking my fingers through my hair.

"I'm just scared." I confessed as tears trickled in my eyes. "I... I am so scared. That when we finally tell people then it really means it is real. That I am actually growing a child inside me. That I-I will become a parent and so will Damon. A child that is part witch part witch hunter. I can't even wrap my mind around that." I breathed frustrated. This was a huge burden to carry and not having anyone else to confide in who knew what I was going through.

"W-What if people come after us when they find out? What will people do knowing there is another type of breed?" I pulled the blanket closer around my shoulders feeling the cold sea breeze fly through me. "And what if I am not ready to have a child? And how-how do I know Damon actually wants to be a father?" I questioned frantically, suddenly spewing all of my worries onto him.

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