Chapter 41

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Damon and I have been trying to find a solution to where Mathew could be. Rummaging through his books and the one Sofia gave to me for any spells. I sat on the floor cross referencing spells and stories of original vampires as he sat on the couch.

"So, does Oliver or Ruby have any powers?" I asked as Damon broke the silence as we read downstairs. "Only first born hunters inherit some." He answered.

"Why haven't you told me about your powers sooner?" I asked, making him sigh, not looking away from his book. "I never use them. A part of me feared them and how you would react." Damon replied as I rolled my eyes.

"How hypocritical of you." I teased slightly annoyed as I looked back down at the book in my hands. "What?" He asked, making me look at him.

"I felt the same way yet you told me how I had to be strong and brave. Start using and learning my powers. You pushed me and helped me when you were hiding yours also." I said annoyed, making him sigh, putting his book down. "You're right." Damon said, catching me off guard.

"I just didn't want to have anything tied to be that made me a witch hunter. To have something that I couldn't deny or take away. So, I just never really used them." Damon explained, making me feel badly. "Do you still feel that way?" I asked, sitting up from the rug on the floor walking towards him.

"Mostly. I don't want to be a hunter but when I see you practicing your powers and how happy and at ease you are it makes me envious. I still remember your face when you made all those flowers bloom in the back yard. You just looked so radiant and beautiful." Damon confessed as I sat on his lap. He grabbed me pulling me closer as I moved the strands of hair away from his face.

He looked at me with so much love and adoration it made my heart swell. "Stalker." I joked making him chuckle as he leaned in to kiss me.

"Whens dinner?" Liam asked walking into the house. "Good afternoon to you too. We're doing great too thanks for asking. We could use your help with trying to find Matthew." I expressed sarcastically making Liam roll his eyes throwing his keys in the bowl by the front door.

"I don't know anything about originals." He walked into the kitchen without looking at us. "Seems unlikely since you're old as hell." I teased with a small smile. Waiting for Liam to bite back with another sarcastic comment when he didn't. Frowning sitting up from Damon as I followed Liam in the other room.

"Did you ever meet Mathew and Thea?" I asked Liam as he rummaged through the cupboards. "Yeah. Once or twice." He answered simply, not looking at me. "Well? For some who always has something to say you're being pretty withholding." I started somewhat frustrated as Damon walked into the room behind me.

Liam stood in the light of the refrigerator silently debating on sharing anything with me. He grabbed a beer, taking a swig before he finally spoke. "My parents worked alongside Mathew's parents. We aren't originals but my father was very respected amongst their society. My parents along with Mathew's and other originals were the ones who came to the decision to give the job Mathew wanted to Thea instead."

"What? You mean-" I began making Liam interrupt me. "It's because of them that Mathew compelled Thea to kill their town." Liam said, unable to look us in the eye.

"My parents died in the catastrophe along with everyone else. If they had just..." Liam trailed off making me inch closer to him. It was clear that no matter how long ago his parents had died in that disaster it still affected him deeply. "Don't. Don't think like that. It wasn't their fault they died, Liam. It's Mathew." I pressed on trying to comfort him.

"Which is why it's so prudent we find him and make him pay for everything he has done. All the lives he has taken and restored Thea's good name. Mathew has gone far too long living in comfort without being brought to justice." I said. He nodded, taking another drink of his beer.

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