Chapter 18

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"This all can't just be on me. I-It's too much pressure. I-I need help aren't there any other witches-" I began nervously making Gabriel take a step towards me. "There's just you. Only you. Even if you can't see it yet." He replied simply before walking away.

Should I confront Anne to see if she will tell me anything? Maybe the original vampires will know more and answer some of my questions. How do I meet them? Maybe Liam would know since Anne said that he was older than them. He would have been alive when Sofia and Thea died.

I couldn't keep up with my rambling thoughts before Damon cut me from them suddenly. "Luna? Are you sure you're alright? You don't have to do this." He said, making me scoff. "Everyone else would say differently." I motioned around me making Damon step closer trying to console me. "You're not alone in this."

We all began walking through a park with people jogging, having lunch and walking their dogs. If mortals saw the town, they wouldn't think twice.

Damon tried grabbing my hand again, but I pulled away scared that I would hurt him again. We walked up to another tall and intricate statue of a woman holding a book with one hand and her other arm was stretched out with her palm up.

"Apparently this is the very first witch to have lived. Agnes. No one knows for sure since it was so long ago." Gabriel said, making me look at him. "How do people know she was the first?" I asked making him look back at me.

"Just like with any history. People kept documents and wrote their findings for future generations to look back on. Back then people thought she was a deity." He answered. "How long ago was this?" I asked as I read at the plaque.

"No one knows for sure. Some people say the 11th century but others say it's before or after that." Gabriel answered. "She is the origin of every living witch. Including you." He explained making my eyes wide. "Why are you showing me all this?" I asked him look at me.

"Because you need to see what you are going to be fighting to protect. You need to know where you came from." He repeated motioning to the statue. "Our past. The good and the bad. Your whole life has been spent with mortals. It's the only life you have ever known, and you need to embrace the witch within you. You need to learn the history of everything so you know how to protect it and protect us. Because if Cole succeeds then everything will be forgotten. We will all be forgotten." Gabriel said sternly as he looked into my eyes.

"Why do I have to be the one to protect you all? There are other witches who are far more powerful than I am and can control their powers. Why can't Faye or-" I began again but he stopped me. "Because you are the strongest, Luna. You just know it yet. You are Thea's ancestor-"He explained impatiently, making me interrupt him.

"You say that like it means something! Who was she? Why is she such a big deal to you all?" I asked, annoyed. "Because she was extremely powerful for her time and you have the same powers as her. And apparently more so. And we have come to learn that you also have the same powers as Agnes. Which is a big deal." Gabriel answered, making me confused.

"What?" I breathed out, making him sigh in annoyance. "You have the same powers as the original witch. Having all three elements is extremely rare to have. No other witch has ever had all the elements before besides you, Thea and Agnes." He motioned to the statue again.

"But why me? Thea and Agnes have other ancestors, don't they? L-Like my parents. Why me?" I asked again. Gabriel raked his finger through his light brown hair. "Your parents don't have the same powers as Thea and Agnes. You do. You are the only living relative that we know of with the same powers. And with every generation your powers become stronger." Gabriel explained, making me sigh as I tried to absorb all the information thrown at me.

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