Chapter 42

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"What makes you say that?" Damon asked with a worried expression making me look at him. "First Cole then William, the town council, our parents, finding out about Amber, Charles trying to kill me, You being compelled, trying to figure out where-" I rambled but soon stopped as I remembered my dream.

"What?" He asked noticing the look on my face. "I think know where Mathew is staying. I-I had a dream." I said making Damon snap his head to me. "That's great. Where?"

Trying to remember the dream I had before Damon woke me up the address on the mailbox. "We can do the map spell we used to find Cole." I said, making him nod.

"Do you think it will turn into a fight? Should I bring Cole to help if it does?" I was worried about fighting another original. "If you want." Damon answered as he pulled up into the driveway.

"Who is here?" I asked as I slid out of the car looking at the unfamiliar car in the driveway next to us. Damon just ignored my question as rushed to the door.

We were met with warm laughter as we walked into the living room. Ruby, Oliver and Liam were all taking with large smiles on their faces until they saw Damon and me.

"Hey. I'm sorry to impose." Ruby said as she stood holding a gift basket. "We just wanted to see if you were home to give you this. It's not much but we just wanted to see you again." She continued reaching out to give me the basket.

I smiled softly at the hand picked flowers and herbs. "How did you know were I lived?" Nathan asked, making her chuckle awkwardly. "We asked around town. I had no idea how famous you two were here. Everyone had nothing but nice things to say about you." Ruby said the last part to me, making me smile weakly.

"I'm so glad our brother has found someone so kind and willing to help so many strangers. It's very heroic of you." Oliver said genuinely. "It's what anyone would do." I replied not feeling comfortable with all the praise everyone has shown me.

"And you didn't have to give us anything." I continued making Ruby swat at the air playfully. "It's nothing. We are so excited to meet you. And I will be having dinner, of course. I need to get to know the woman my brother is seeing and the woman who has saved his town." She smiled. "Thank you." I said as I looked down at the cookbook in the beautifully decorated basket.

"There are some normal baking recipes and some... spells that require herbs. A-And other stuff. Not really my thing obviously but I thought you'd like it." Ruby said hesitantly making me look up at her. "I do. I appreciate it, thank you." I said again with a small smile.

Ruby smiled wide as she hugged me. I was taken aback before I hugged her back loving the friendly warmth she gave off.

"I hope Liam wasn't boring you to death as you waited." I teased making Liam roll his eyes trying to fight a smile as Ruby and Oliver laughed. "We weren't waiting that long. We mostly talked about Damon." Oliver replied, making Damon roll his eyes.

"Please don't swap embarrassing stories about me." Damon whined, making me and everyone else chuckle. "There's lots of time for that later." Ruby replied, making me laugh also interested in what they had ti say about him.

"What other powers do you have? If you don't mind my asking." Oliver asked hesitantly.

"Oh, well, I can control the elements, telepathy, telekinesis, freeze things. And recently realized I could see ghosts. Which has been... thrilling to say the least." I answered making their eyes widen. "A-Are both of your parent's witches also?" He asked.

"Yes. Although my mother never liked being a witch. Which is why we lived in a mortal town." I answered, making him confused. "Have you always known you were an original?" Oliver continued making me shake my head.

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