Chapter 55

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Cole left not too long after Charles did as Liam went upstairs to his bedroom. I suppose it was to give Damon and I some privacy as I tried doing everything to avoid looking at Damon for too long.

"What was that all about?" Damon asked as I cleaned up the kitchen wiping down the countertops. "I already told you. He was just trying to get under our skin." I said not looking at him.

The rainstorm was beginning to settle down as tree branches swayed and heavily crashed against the windows. The winds howled as the rain died down and began to sprinkle. Dark gray clouds covered what was left of the sunset creating an ominous shadow in the night sky.

"I'm exhausted. I'm heading to bed." I stifled a yawn walking past him up the steps. I got undressed to get ready for bed when I heard Damon follow me inside his bedroom. "Are you sure there's nothing to anything Charles said?"

I threw on a baggy tee shirt and warm sweatpants as the rain continued to pour against his large window beside the bed. "I don't know." I mumbled, unable to look at him.

"Are you pregnant, Luna?" Damon asked gently with a firm tone wanting a straight answer from me. "Of course not." I scoffed unconvincingly creating a deafening silence.

My eyes stung with warm tears as my back continued to face him. "I don't know." I repeated a sob getting sick in the back of my throat. I turned around noticing the worry etched on his face. My chest ached with fear for what he must be thinking.

"Let's not worry about it until we know for sure." Damon finally spoke inching closer to console me. I just nodded, unable to speak before melting into his arms.

Stumbling down the stairs the smell of smoke and burning food flooded my senses. My face contorted into disgust. Damon left the front door open to try to clear the smoke when I heard someone muttering in the kitchen.

"Fucking hell." Liam stood over the stove. "What is going on?" I asked opening the glass door to the patio to air out the house.

"I wanted to make pancakes... when I quickly realized I didn't know how." Liam answered, making me smile as Damon walked in. "Here, move. I'll do it." I said as I walked toward the stove next to Liam.

"You're a fossil yet you don't even know how to make pancakes. Weren't you like alive when they were invented?" I teased as I washed the pan making him roll his eyes.

"He never was the best at making food. Or anything really." Harry said. He appeared sitting on the counter beside me. I jumped slightly letting out a breath from being startled.

"Stop doing that." I mumbled slightly frustrated as I continued to clean Liam's dishes before I started breakfast. "Sorry it's just so funny to scare you. Seeing the big bad original is scary of little ol' me." Harry teased making me smile.

"Do you hear that?" Harry asked, looking around the kitchen with concentration. "What's that noise?" He continued to investigate after a few seconds of silence. Until his shimmering eyes that he shared with Liam focused on me, his eyes darted to my stomach.

"Are... Are you pregnant?" Harry breathed. My heart sank as the air was suddenly ripped from my lungs. The plate I was previously drying slipped from my hands and shattered against the tile floor. "What?"

"I can hear two heartbeats. You're pregnant." Harry stated matter of factly. "Unless you miraculously grew another heart since the last I saw you." He continued my eyes never tearing away from his. "What? What's wrong?" Damon asked, rushing towards me. His hands grabbed my elbows trying to snap me out of it.

"Who's here?" Liam asked knowing I was staring at a ghost. "Is it Harry?" He continued with slight hope in his voice as his eyes roamed around gently.

"Do they not know?" Harry asked, making me close my eyes for a few seconds. Pulling away from Damon to grab a broom. "Yes." I answered Liam, unable to look anyone in the eye. Damon took the broom from me to sweep up my mess.

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