Chapter 35

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"Ezra." He answered as my eyes went wide. "Do you know a man named Charles?" I asked, making him look at me confused. "Yeah, why?" Ezra asked, shaking my head. "Oh, my god." I breathed out in disgust making Damon sit up.

"What is it?" He asked as I stared at Ezra in shock. "I saw you- I-I heard you. Y-You killed him." I breathed out. "Did I kill someone you know? Sorry if I don't know who you are talking about, I've killed lots of people." He said, making me boil over with anger. "Who is it Luna?" Damon asked, making me calm down slightly.

"It's Ezra. He killed Harry." I answered not tearing my eyes away from Ezra's. "What?" "Ah, Harry. Yes, I remember him. That half breed, right?" They asked me grit my teeth. "I am not helping you. You are a murderer. You killed an innocent man." I said through gritted teeth.

Tears collected in my eyes watching Harry's limp body hanging from his car bleeding to death. "If I killed him then he was hardly innocent." Ezra replied.

""I only kill people who deserve it. Not just... willy nilly." He answered, making me frown. "Well, then you were misinformed. Charles had Harry killed because he saw them use their powers on someone. He did not deserve it." I was full of anger.

"In my book that makes him worthy of being killed. He could have ruined our lives if he told anyone." Ezra said. "'Our'?" I scoffed full of fake amusement, making him nod as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

"You seriously killed someone because they posed a threat and knew too much. Sounds familiar." I said under my breath as Damon watched me. "Leave. I am not helping you." I stated sternly making him grow angry.

"Awe, don't be like that." He walked towards the bed. "I can help you in return. I have information." Ezra grinned. "No information is worth helping you." I said hesitantly, slightly curious to what his information could've been.

"Even if it is about Mathew? Rumor has it that you're trying to find him. I know where he is." He said making my lips part. "What? Where?" I asked, making him tsk.

"I won't tell you... unless you help cross me over to wherever I should be." Ezra said. "Fine." I said after a move of silence to think about making his face light up. "I will find out where he is by myself." I replied amused making him frown.

"Suit yourself." Ezra huffed before he disappeared with a sudden random gush of wind. Damon looked around the room trying to find the man while waiting for an explanation.

"Ezra is the man I heard talking on the phone with Charles. They were talking about killing Harry because he knew too much." I explained, sighing heavily. "What information did he have?" Damon asked quickly.

"He knows where Mathew is hiding out. But I told him I would find out myself. It shouldn't be that hard. Right?" I asked hesitantly. "People have been trying to find him for years, but no one knows where he went." He answered, making me sigh.

"I hope I won't have to help Ezra for the information he has." I confessed making Damon nod before I laid my head back down on his warm chest.

"Wait, so, let me get this straight. You told everyone about what really happened with Sofia? Then you ended up fighting with William?" Faye expressed worry as we sat around the living room talking. "It wasn't to the death. He is still very much alive." I said holding the warm mug in my hands.  Faye rolled her eyes before Cole spoke.

"Maybe so but he definitely would have killed you giving the opportunity." He said as I looked down at my hands in my lap. Damon put his hand around mine, making me look up at him and smile weakly. "Was it as badass as when you fought Cole?" Liam asked as they chuckled.

"More." Cole answered amused as I rolled my eyes laughing lightly. "No, I wasn't. He caused more damage on me than I him." I confessed adjusting on the couch beside Damon. Him and the doctor had insisted on me not using my powers or overworking myself until I fully heal.

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