Chapter 25

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"What?" April breathed out as she absorbed all my words. "I know it is a lot to take in. I just wanted you to know. He could be dangerous, but I-I doubt he will do anything to hurt you." I said almost begging her not to freak out.

"Wait so that's how he really knows who you are?" April asked, making me nod. "Yes, we think he came here to spy on me. But he doesn't know that we know so you must pretend everything is fine. Please." I begged. She nodded as she looked at the ground trying to think.

"You know that I would do anything for you, Luna but he seems dangerous. Are you sure he won't hurt me or try anything to get to you?" She asked hesitantly, making me sigh. "I'm not sure about anything anymore but I won't leave your side when you are with him. I promise I won't leave you two alone. You just have to pretend to be his friend a few times a day." I said, trying to ease her worry.

"Okay, we'll I'm good at that. Everyone wants to be my friend." She chirped trying to stay optimistic. "How come he hasn't tried to do anything yet?" April asked, making me sigh again. "I don't know, April. I don't know what he is planning. I just hope I am strong enough to prevent whatever it is." I explained making her nod.

"I understand. I will pretend everything is fine. Luckily for you I am a better liar than you." April said making me laugh lightly. "Let's hope so." I said as I stood up.

"We- I should probably get going." I said as I went to turn away before she stopped me as she stood up. "Wait what are you going to do for your birthday?" She asked making my eyes widen slightly.

"Oh, I-I don't know. Probably nothing." I answered, making her frown as Damon turned to me. "Luna, you know I am not one to turn down an option to have a party. Especially for my best friend." April said with a smile.

"My life is so hectic right now, April. I-" I started but she interrupted me. "Then I will plan everything. You don't have to worry about anything." April said, making me smile.

"Thank you, April but that really isn't necessary. You don't have to go through all that trouble." I said, making her shake her head. "Luna, hush. It isn't any trouble just let me do something nice for my friend please. Especially with everything you're going through." She said.

"Fine." I reluctantly gave in making her squeal in excitement before she hugged me. "Yay! It will be so fun I promise." She said as she pulled away, making me laugh.

"Yeah, yeah." I replied with a smile as I turned around with Damon beside me. "Bye!" April beamed as I looked back at her and waved.

"Why didn't you tell me your birthday was coming up?" Damon asked as I drove us home. "Technically I did. That night when we played twenty questions you asked when my birthday was. It's not my fault you forgot it." I answered amused, making Damon roll his eyes.

"I didn't forget I was just surprised you didn't tell me sooner." Damon answered, making me chuckle. "Is a month in advance not soon enough?" I teased making him roll his eyes again. I let out another laugh. "I just never liked celebrating my birthday. Everyone forgot except for April. She was the one that planned everything and brought it up casually around my parents so they could pretend they didn't forget. Most of my life my birthday has felt like a burden and I didn't want you to have to deal with it also." I confessed after a few minutes of silence.

"I'm sorry no one remembered but your birthday isn't a burden, Luna. Especially to me." Damon said as he placed his hand on my knee making me smile. "Thank you. But it's still not that big of a deal." I said trying to downplay it but failing as I heard him chuckle.

"There is no such thing as a birthday that isn't a big deal." He said, making me grow silent. "I just don't want to have to celebrate something at a time like this. No one is really in a celebrating mood. Gabriel just found out his sister is a murderer and Cole is still threatening the town." I said.

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