Chapter 23

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It has been days since confronting Anne. She has been gone ever since Gabriel kicked her out and hasn't been heard from since. Gabriel has also not been seen since either, only coming to their house occasionally for some of his things, never staying for very long. It was obvious he had somewhere else he had been living while spending his time.

Part of me wishes I hadn't told everyone that we knew the truth. If I had just kept my anger under control none of this would be happening. Gabriel would have been happier not knowing and it breaks my heart to see him, so heartbroken over Anne's betrayal. Liam and Damon have tried to talk to him but it's no use.

The other part of me is relieved. Relieved that I don't have to keep all this information and secrets to myself which makes me feel horrible.

Damon and I were currently holding each other in his bed early in the morning. The sun hadn't even risen yet. I've been able to sleep these past few days because of all the thoughts and guilt flooding my mind. Feeling Damon's calm heartbeat and soft snores as my head rested on his chest.

Part of me can see Anne's point of view at the time she decided killing Sofia was a smart decision. I could see how she would be scared for her and Gabriel after what happened to their parents. She didn't want Sofia to do the same thing Thea did. But she never should have done the things she did. But there are other things she could have done to ease her worry.

Anne could have made precautions to make sure Sofia couldn't hurt their town even if she tried. A huge protection spell of some sort. Surely there are other thing to do besides murder.

"Luna?" Damon questioned me in a groggy voice. "Yeah?" I breathed as I looked up at him. "You're burning up. What are you thinking about?" He asked worriedly, making me pull away from him. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." I turned my head to look at him better. The moon shined in from the window illuminating his handsome features.

"It's fine. What were you thinking about?" Damon asked again. "Just about Gabriel. And you." I answered, making him smirk down at me as he pulled closer. "Oh yeah?" Damon asked as I let out a chuckle.

He lifted my chin to kiss my lips gently making me lean forward eagerly kissing him back. "I'm constantly thinking about you." I confessed breathlessly against his lips, making him smile. He placed his hand behind my neck deepening the kiss.

"Ditto, Luna." Damon replied, making me chuckle against his lips, kissing him.

"Hey, Harry. Did you understand what Professor Carlson was talking about?" A redheaded woman asked as she walked alongside Harry in the school hallway. He chuckled at her question. "Why were you not paying attention? I thought you loved English." Harry teased making the woman blushed lightly.

"Yeah, I do but I was still confused. I was wondering if you could tutor me tomorrow?" The woman asked hesitantly as she looked up at him as they walked. "Sure, Kat. Meet me in the library." Harry replied, making her smile widely.

The dream fast forwarded until the school day ended. Harry was walking out of the school building when Kat waved with a smile to him from where she was with her friends. Harry nodded back with a small smile.

Wanting to follow him into his car quickly trying to think about how I could. I suddenly remembered my dream with Damon and how all the students walked through me. Hesitant to touch his car as my hand went through it.

Letting out an excited smile as I brought my hand down sliding into his passenger side as if the door was open.

Harry pulled out of the parking lot and turned on the radio tapping his fingers along to a song when his phone rang. "Hey, Liam." Harry answered as he stopped at a red light.

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