Chapter 61

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"Why would it be a trap? He already had you?" Damon asked, walking closer to me, making me look away from him to think. The front door opened revealing Liam.

What would he gain from letting me go? Why would he kidnap me in the first place? How did they know I would answer the door alone? Is Charles just full of dumb luck or has he planned everything meticulously? I thought to myself.

Did Charles want to go out to see where I would go? To get to the people I care about. Why would he care about them? Does he want to make sure they don't know the truth?

My eyes widened in realization and fear as I looked up at all the people I cared about. "Oh, my God." I breathed out as I looked over to Damon to see him staring at me intensely.

"W-We have to get out of here." I said as I stood, placing my bare feet on the cold tiles. I swayed slightly as I held onto the counter. "What? No, you need to rest, Luna." Damon said as came and stood in front of me.

"Charles let me go on purpose. He wants to know who I come running to." I said sternly, grabbing Damon's arm. "What?" Liam asked.

"My escape was a trap!" I expressed frantic with wide eyes. "We have to go somewhere safe. He knows where we live." I muttered to myself as I turned around. "Charles let me go for me to come running to the people I care about. Who I would tell about what he has done. He needs to make sure no one else knows what him and Mathew did." I pressed nervously as my heart began to race.

"So, he is going to try to kill everyone around me to make sure he stays in power.." I explained making Liam nod doubtedly. "We have to get out of here." I looked up at Damon with pleading eyes. "Okay, okay. Alright." Damon threw on his coat grabbing his keys as Liam helped me out the front door.

"Where can we go? Where no one knows?" I asked as we walked down the steps. "We can go to my parents house. They live on a huge property with lots of protection." Liam said.

The three of us drove a long ways out of town in uncomfortable silence. Everyone thinking a mile a minute finally able to breathe and catch a small break before Liam pulled up to his family's large estate. Stepping out of the car with a shaky breath overwhelmed by the old massive structure. I knew all along that Liam came from very old money and powerful parents but this proved it.

"You didn't think it would be that easy, did you?" Charles said suddenly, making me stop in my tracks. We all quickly turned around facing Charles smug, nonchalant demeanor dripping power. Damon quickly came up to me shielding me from him. "I thought you were smarter than that, Luna." He continued.

"You did exactly what I wanted, and I thank you. Without you I wouldn't have known who you cared about most. I did suspect now I know for certain." He smiled. "Although I must give you some credit. I didn't think you would have figured it out as soon as you did." Charles finished. He casually walked closer as his four bodyguards stayed still.

"I would have thought you'd have brought more men. I can snap their necks before you touch any of them." I said trying to appear confident as he smirked coldly.

"Oh, don't worry. I brought everyone." Charles said, making me frown. I heard rustling next to me before I noticed hundreds of men walking out of the trees past the yard. I looked to the other side of me to see the same as I filled with nerves.

Charles held his palm up at them telling them to stand down. "But I won't use them if I don't have to. I've just come to talk." He said as I scoffed. "Do you normally talk to people with an army of men?" I asked, making him chuckle.

"I do like you, Luna. You've got wit and power. Something I have never seen in a woman. No one has ever spoken to me the way you do. It's truly fascinating." Charles said full of awe as he smiled. "Maybe not to your face." I replied childishly as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

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