Chapter 44

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(Warning: This chapter contains some sexual content.)

Slowly waking up to something touching my face making me twitch my nose. The feeling wouldn't go away, making me reluctantly open my tired eyes to see Damon looking down at me.

"Good morning." Damon said as the sun rise shined against his face illuminating his hypnotizing blue eyes. "Morning." I breathed.

"How did you sleep?" He asked as he moved a piece of hair behind my ear. "Great." I replied honestly with a small smile as he moved his hand down my back until he met with my waist. He pulled me closer to him, making me nuzzle my head in his chest.

"How about you?" I asked as he sighed lightly. "I didn't." Damon answered, making me frown. "Why not?" I asked pulling away to look at him

"I just couldn't stop thinking about yesterday." Damon answered. I traced my thumb along his jawline. "I'm sorry you have to worry about me like that." I confessed holding the side of his face, making him frown. "Don't be. I'll always worry about you no matter what." Damon said, making me smile weakly.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" He asked hesitantly as I looked away from his deep ocean eyes.

"He apologized." I said under my breath, making him confused. "What?" Damon asked full of confusion, making me look up at him again.

"Sam apologized. He explained everything. That he was drunk, and his friend gave him the drugs. I know it doesn't excuse him or what he did, but I know it took a lot for Sam to take responsibility. He told me that he was threatening me again because he didn't want to feel guilty for what he did." I explained as he hung onto my every word.

"Do you forgive him?" Damon asked, making me tense. "No. I don't. But I can't stay angry at him forever then I will become like Cole. Or what everyone thinks Thea is. So full of anger and revenge. I can't live like that." I confessed making him nod lightly as he moved another strand of hair out of my face.

He kissed the top of my head lovingly creating butterflies in my stomach as warmth rose to my face. "What time is it?" I asked.

"Almost six." He answered as he pulled me towards him. "I have school." I said, making him groan. Damon pushed me against the bed as he climbed on top of me in one swift move making me laugh.

"Damon." I whined as he kissed my neck, making me close my eyes. "Come on. I have school." I said trying to sound stern but failing. I placed my hand on his arms to try to push him off making him grab my hands and pin them above my head gently.

I let out a soft laugh as I felt him continue to kiss my neck softly. "I feel like I haven't touched you in ages." Damon confessed, making me close my eyes as I felt his free hand under my shorts inching its way in-between my legs.

"You're so addicting, Luna." He breathed out as two of his fingers entered me making me let out a moan.

Damon's fingers entered me at an annoyingly slow pace making me arch my back. "Damon." I breathed out as I squeezed my eyes shut. "Open your eyes." He demanded as I did as I was told.

I stared up at him as he towered over me. His eyes were full of so much lust and admiration making me swoon under him.

"Faster." I begged under my breath making Damon smirk down at me. "I didn't quite catch that." He teased as he made his pace even slower, making me groan. "Faster, Damon. Please."

I arched my back as he hit that particular spot repeatedly making me let out another breathy moan. "Damon." I moaned as he separated my legs father apart making the inside of my legs ache but I ignored it as I felt my release. "Aah!" I moaned, squeezing my eyes shut trying my best not to be too loud.

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