Chapter 19

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"Hello, love." Cole said as he walked into their home kissing Sofia on the cheek. "How was your day with Anne?" Sofia asked. Cole wrapped his arms around her waist smiling down at her as she made dinner.

"It was good. She told me she would ask the town council for their help." Cole answered thankful. "Are you sure we need their help? No one knows what I am. We aren't in any danger." Sofia said as she stirred the soup in the pot. "I just want to keep it that way." Cole replied, making me frown.

"Whatever you say, darling." Sofia smiled weakly, making him rest his head in the corner of her neck. "I don't want anything to happen to you. You're my world. I don't know what I should do." Cole confessed softly as he kissed her neck. I couldn't help but smile at how much they clearly loved one other but it soon faded because I do know what happened.

My premonition suddenly fast forwarded to where Anne was making me lightheaded. Anne and I were waiting for someone in a small alley in between two shops away from the busy street.

"Finally." Anne breathed out when a man approached her. "They kept asking questions about where I was going." The man said in an annoyed tone. "What did you tell them?" Anne whispered as a few women passed them. "It doesn't matter. What do you want?" The man asked as though he was in a hurry.

"I-I need you to kill someone for me." Anne asked making my eyes widen. "Who is it this time?" The man asked looking at her in disgust. "A witch named Sofia." Anne replied hesitantly, making him step away from her. "You know I don't do witches." The man said firmly, shaking his head, making Anne roll her eyes.

"I will pay you double." Anne said as she held out a small bag of money. The intimidating man stopped to think for a moment staring at it. "Fine." The man grabbed the money from her harshly.

"She will be alone in two days' time. Her mate will be meeting the town council and I." Anne explained. The man nodded. "I will make it look like the witch hunters were responsible." I scoffed at her with tears in my eyes as they continued to act as though I wasn't here. I wanted to hit her if I knew she would feel it.

I can't believe she would do something like this. All because they feared her without even knowing her. As I looked outside the window, I saw the sun was setting. "What time is it?" I asked him as I turned around to see him already looking down at me. Silently hoping I didn't disturb him by moving around or talking in my sleep.

"Eight o'clock." Damon answered. "We should get ready for that party April's dragging us to." I teased giving him a quick kiss. Sitting up, yawning and stretching my aching body. "Did you dream?" Damon asked seriously, catching my off guard. "Yes." I answered, shrugging off my emotions. Getting up from bed with my back facing him to start getting ready.

"I saw Cole and Sofia. Then I saw Anne and Sofia's murderer." I continued simply not looking at him. "What was it about?" He asked quickly, wanting an explanation. I continued to get ready, feeling his eyes following me.

I stopped what I was doing trying to come up with the words to gently explain to him. Slowly turning around holding my clothes with sadness in my eyes. "Anne paid someone to make it look like her murder was caused by witch hunters." I confessed quietly so hopefully no one overheard.

Damon scoffed, clearly affected by my news. He sat up roughly raking his hand through his hair. "I..." He began struggling to form words without getting angry. "I just can't believe that she would be behind something like this." Damon paced in front of the bed making me drop my things to console him.

"It breaks my heart that she has betrayed you." I confessed grabbing his bicep for him to face me. He dragged his palm down his face as I looked up at him. "She's betrayed everyone. This entire town that she has sworn to protect and represent. Everything we have stood against. She knows how much grief my family and I have gotten for all their deaths. It took me so long to be welcomed into this town. And even now I-" Damon vented making me place my hand softly against his face.

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