Chapter 22

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All of us were on our way for me to finally meet the town council. To say I was nervous would be an understatement.

Lately I have been doing my breathing exercises to control my powers and emotions especially for tonight. The whole car ride I couldn't help but worry if I would say or do something that would show my true feelings towards them.

I knew all about their plan to kill Sofia. I wanted to confront them but Damon made me realize it would be better if I didn't. So, I could build a stronger case against them and to help talk some sense into Cole.

Damon drove us all through town as I stared out the window watching the small shops and people pass by. Damon drove by the beautiful town square. Thinking to myself how there was hardly any trees and floral bushes around. There was only the occasional bench and tree for shade as people walked around and ate at picnics.

Damon pulled up to a small manor with ivy and greenery grown alongside it telling me it has stood there for a long time. Anne slid out of the car first and I was about to follow when Damon stopped me by putting his hand on mine.

"Will you be okay?" He asked. "Yes, I'm just nervous is all." I answered, making him squeeze my hand lightly.

We made our way inside the building when looking around. The decor inside the manor was about 16th century. Telling me no one has updated it since then. It was a grand British townhouse with serious pieces of art and vintage accessories. The design had very extravagant period furniture, fabrics and very old paintings. Carpets, lamps, old basins, and ancient objects from around the world. There were people sitting and standing around the living room casually talking when Anne spoke.

"Hello, everyone!" She chirped, making everyone look at us and smile. "Hello." A woman smiled until her eyes met Damon. "Damon." She raked him up at down with tense eyes taking a step back.

As I continued to look around at everyone I recognized some of the people in my dream with Anne. "And you must be Luna. It is such a pleasure to meet you." She beamed as she stretched her arm out for me to shake her hand. "I'm Chloe." She said with a smile making me apply a fake smile.

"It's nice to meet you too." I said as we pulled our hands away. "This is Emma, Olivia, and Madison." Anne said, making me look at the women she motioned to. "And Noah, William, James, and Benjamin." She continued making me memorize all their faces and names.

I'm not surprised to say that everyone here was insanely attractive. Must be a nice perk to being a mythical being. They all seemed to be the same age as me but new that would've been highly unlikely.

I noticed a man, William, was also in my dreams making my lips part. Quickly masked my anger with a convincing smile. They stood up and stepped closer to us to be introduced properly.

"It's so nice to meet you. The name's Will." He said as I shook his hand. I was instantly overwhelmed with a feeling in my chest and the lit of my stomach. A powerful, dark force that scared me deeply. Flinching pulling my hand away from his cold one. ""It's nice to meet you all. Although I'm sorry it's under these circumstances." I replied making all the women's faces light up.

"We are so thankful for your assistance in this matter. We can't have what happened to Thea and her town happen to us." James said, walking towards me.

He had dark green eyes and messy brown hair that fell off on his forehead. "I understand." Was all I replied forcing a smile.

"Why don't we all go have a seat in the parlor while I fix us some drinks." Chloe said to us as everyone walked towards a different room just as luxurious. We followed them into the room from a distance as everyone began talking until they noticed us holding hands. They stop talking and stare. I tried to release my grasp from his but he squeezed my hand lightly telling me it was okay.

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