Chapter 30

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"What?" Damon quickly rushed over to me staring out the window. Running downstairs not waiting for Damon to follow about to open the front door when the door flew off its hinges. It came towards me, making me lift my hands quickly to stop it in midair.

The door fell with a loud crash in-between Cole and me. Looking up at him full of fear as he just gave me a mischievous smile creating old spider like fingers racing up and down my spine. Ominous thoughts squirmed at the back of my mind, thousands of questions prowling through my mind.

"Ever heard of knocking?" I asked, trying to appear confident, making him stalk inside the house. Damon and Liam came running down the stairs making us tear our eyes away from each other. "What the-" Liam started until Cole lifted his arm and swat his hand in the air. Liam collided hard into the wall before falling down hard against the floor with a thud.

"Cole, stop. I know you came here for me." I beamed as I looked at him again to see he was now right in front of me. My heart leaped out of my chest as I struggled to take a few steps back. "You're right." Before I could reply he had his hand over my neck making me choke and gasp for air.

Cole lifted me off the ground effortlessly. My nails dug into his hands, trying to pull them away from me. "Leave her alone." Damon growled, making Cole look away as I continued to struggle to breathe.

"Ah, this must be Damon. The witch hunter." Cole said full of amusement as he turned his attention onto him. "Damon, don't" I said in a raspy voice not wanting him to get hurt.

"Tell me, Luna. Why on Earth are you dating a witch hunter? Your parents must be very disappointed in you." Cole continued in a disappointing tone as he looked up at me. "Right, and Sofia is just thrilled with you." I said sarcastically, making his face harden.

Suddenly Cole threw me through the glass door rolling into the patio. I groaned as I felt small shards of glass pierce my skin. "Don't talk about her." Cole threatened, rage consuming him.

Using all my strength to sit up wincing when I realized I had a large piece of glass stuck out of my thigh. The taste of blood made me touch my lips. Looking up hearing footsteps coming closer to me. Watching Cole chuckling as he walked slowly towards me making me try to crawl away from him.

"Look at you." He began with fake pity. "How exactly are you supposed to defeat me when you can even deflect my powers against you?" Cole asked with an amused smile. Taking the piece of glass out of my thigh without flinching and standing up. Struggling to not put all my weight on my leg making him look at me failing to hide his shock.

"And here I thought you knew everything." I smiled, making his face harden before he lifted his hand up again, but I was faster. I deflected his powers, throwing him across the back yard.

He fell hard on his back before kicking himself back onto his feet. "There are things that you need to know, Cole." I said sternly with pleading eyes making him scoff.

"I already know everything, Luna." Cole said like a bad before he shocked me with lightning. Flying back into the side of the house before falling hard onto the ground making me groan in pain. Feeling the electricity coursing through my body looking down at my shaking hands. Dull sparks jumped from my fingertips and static buzzed through me. "Luna, are you okay?" Liam asked him and Damon ran over to me.

"Just peachy." I answered sarcastically as I struggled to stand up, making them help me. "Tell the town council he is here." I said to them but before they could respond Cole spoke. "I feel a bit neglected over here. I could just leave you three alone and go kill the rest of the town council." He said. "The rest?" I asked, making him snap his fingers.

"Oh, darn it! It was meant to be a surprise." Cole joked in fake disappointment. "Let's see what their names are again? Oh, right Noah and Olivia. Cute couple." He said making my lips part.

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