Chapter 1: Unexpected Stroll

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Chapter Summary: Casper and Thatch get into the of so common fight, but during the fight Casper notices something is off about the vampire, sparking his interest.

"Thatch, give Casper your Damaric badge," Franken-gym-teacher ordered to the young vampire, who gave a look of disdain at the very thought of handing over his rightfully earned badge.

"Mine!?" He cried, his hands clutching the badge to himself. The vampire thought it was simply unfair his should be the one taken away.

"I forgot to order more." The lazy gym teacher shrugged, then leaned forward, towering over the small child as to reassure his authority over the students. Thatch felt a hiss leave him and he angrily marched over to the ghost boy, Casper- the bane is his existence at this rotten school. Casper didn't deserve this badge, he was no true monster. But Thatch handed his badge over to the ghost as ordered before he stomped away, his dark cloak billowing behind him as he disappeared into the shadows of the school- wishing to be nowhere near the other students, but with every step, he felt his anger grow- building inside of him.

Ra seemed rather happy with his friend's luck. "Congratulations Casper!" He said happily, patting Casper on the shoulder- or tried to as his hand went through the ghost boy at first. Casper corrected himself quickly- allowing Ra to rest a hand on his back as they both laughed.

"Looks like we're all going to the Jamboree after all," Mantha added joyfully. She didn't join in on all the touching- worried her hand would fall off again like it did that morning, such annoying zombie issues. Lately, it was just having such trouble staying on- maybe she should get it stitched on?

"Thanks, guys," Casper giggled softly, beaming with pride as he looked at his badge. What Casper didn't notice was the vampire had returned, fueled by anger and the need to not be beaten by the friendly ghost.

Thatch seemed to lunge out of the shadows themselves, giving a fright to Casper and his friends. "Give me back my badge Casper!" He yelled, trying to snatch it from the ghost's hands. The two fought, both believing they earned the badge fairly. As they wrestled it became clear that Thatch could not just pull the badge away, Casper had a firm stance on the ground, keeping him balanced, so to change that Thatch instead released the badge and tackled the ghost instead, knocking them both flat onto the dirt- knocking into Mantha.

The zombie stumbled back and fell, her head popping off and rolling across the ground as it often does. Ra, being the helpful friend he was quickly moved and picked up the zombie head, carrying it back to her body- which was currently reaching out, searching for the missing piece. As Ra helped the poor zombie girl Thatch and Casper wrestled on the ground- and soon the badge was forgotten and laid in the dirt as the boys fought.

The Gym Teacher turned a blind eye- he was lazy plus a little fight might toughen the friendly ghost up. Besides, sooner he got the students out of his hair the sooner he could see the teacher he had a crush on, Hedy Hopper. The gym teacher quickly leads the other students back inside so they could go to bed- leaving the 4 students outside to rough and tumble.

Before long Thatch had successfully pinned the ghost to the ground, his chest heaving with every breath- his black hair a mess from the fight, his cloak crooked, nearly falling off of his shoulders. Casper on the other hand- being a ghost he had no lungs, and therefore no way to suck in air, and generally no reason to breathe. He knew he could probably sink into the ground- but he truly hated it. Walls were fine- you get past thoughts quick, but in the ground, it was damp, cold and dark. A bit too claustrophobic.

Casper willingly laid on the ground, watching the panting vampire on top of him. Casper stopped struggling, laying back on the ground- no wishing to fight. If Thatch wanted the badge so badly, fine. He still was allowed to go to the Jamboree now- his name would be added to the list and it would all be fine. The badge was only a physical representation that he was allowed to go, besides the list. The badge was only there as a little 'Oh here you did it so here is a reward'- something Casper personally didn't need.

Rewritten- Let Love FlowWhere stories live. Discover now