Chapter 17: A Vampire's Coffin

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Chapter Summary: A night with just the young couple sounds perfect, but never goes the way they want, especially when they get an unwanted visitor.

Casper sighed contently as he laid down on his bed after the whole day of nothing but awkward stares and glares. The whole day had gone nearly exactly as he thought it would. Utterly and terribly horrible. It left him exhausted, and he was glad at least at night he could have some peace. Maybe he and Thatch could sneak out tonight, he wanted to talk to Thatch alone. Ra, Mantha stuck to Casper all day, while Slither had been stuck to Thatch. Granted they were only trying to protect them, but Casper needed some space with just the vampire. He wanted to talk and make sure his Bat-Boy was doing ok.

Throughout the whole entire day, Casper and Thatch were teased and picked on by Dummy Girl and her group of students she managed to get on her side. Things like food, pencil, and paper balls were thrown at them. At times they were called names like "Sheet-Lover", as to be insulting Thatch to Casper- for near the start of the year Thatch had called Casper Sheet-Boy. Then to Casper people called him "Thrall-Boy", but never in front of Thatch it seemed. Perhaps they were too scared to say such an insult around the vampire- which Casper thought was rather cowardly.

Thatch was itching to pound them all into the dust for their constant bullying, as was Ra as well. Slither was actually managing to keep Ra and Thatch from fighting. Whenever Thatch got riled up Slither would just go over, share some candy or speak in soft whispers so Casper couldn't hear.

He was still a bit jealous of Slither, but at the same time grateful the snake-like monster knew how to calm Thatch down, for the ghost was still just learning.

When Ra got mad Slither would just silently watch and listen as Ra ranted about the other students, and that seemed to help the mummy greatly. Something about Slither's ever gloomy mood seemed to calm people. Well, Casper wasn't sure if he could call Slither gloomy. Yes, he had thought that, but maybe Slither was only shy and reserved- that's what it seemed like now.

But even if all this help was nice, Casper knew this peace wouldn't last long. He just didn't know who would snap first- Thatch or Ra. He felt some resentment to the students but understood that they didn't know any better, and he was hopeful that things would change soon. If Dummy Girl was to just back off he knew surely the others will try to be more understanding.

As Casper laid on his bed he could hear the other students settling down for bed. He noticed a few have changed their bunk- and after a moment he realized the divide in the room. Beds were exchanged, people moved. Some of the students on his and Thatch's side of the room, the rest on the other now. Casper could see the people rested near his and Thatch's spots were people who supported him. Wolfie, Slither, Flyboy, and Ra. Everyone else seemed to be against them and thus distancing themselves.

It was almost a comfort to have who he could trust be close. He even smiled when he saw Slither had taken the closest bed to Thatch and was currently nervously pacing around. He only got into his own bed once everyone else was in theirs- as if he was standing guard for the vampire.

Casper wondered what was going on in the girl's dorm if it was the same or not. He hoped not- Mantha would be so alone. The ghost turned away from the whole room and fazed out of his clothes, changing into Thatch's white shirt he had so willingly given. It was fine, he could get through this mess. He just had to remain calm and loyal. As Casper laid down on his bed, his blanket pulled over him he heard the other students whispering. No one really wanted to fight before bed, but going to sleep might be hard.

When the lights went out and the whispers stopped he tried to relax, but Casper could tell they were all still awake. The shifting in the beds, the heavy sighs of discomfort. Casper doubt any of them would be asleep soon- and if they were all awake he and Thatch couldn't sneak out... Wait no, Thatch couldn't- Casper could... In fact...

Rewritten- Let Love FlowWhere stories live. Discover now