Chapter 36: Moving

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Chapter Summary: Moving sucks and all the students can agree. It's hard and backbreaking, but their destination seems to be worth it.

The week went by impossibly quick, dumbly fast. Their lessons were a blur, Mr. Burns went through a few more students, Monaco and Mickey, Fly-boy, Quasi, and Mosshead even. They only got 4 days, so only 4 types of students they got to review. The last day, Friday was entirely committed to packing, meaning Ra's lesson got delayed until they could get settled into their new establishment. They would have the whole weekend to settle in and clean up the castle, then Monday it was right back to their lessons. The students had very few belongings- a suitcase at most, but they were put to work the second they finished with their dorms. They had to clean up the dishes in the cafeteria to help out the lunch lady, books from the library were being packed into crates and dust being brushed off after years of negligence... Though what every student did not know was that Clementine was outside with all their old textbooks on humans, forcing Dr. Burns to set them aflame as Kibosh watched.

Casper just tried to focus and work. Since he could fly he and Fly-Boy were forced to take books off the higher shelves. Thatch had to use his newfound powers as a giant broom, having to go into every classroom, office, and hallway and open the windows to get all the dust out, letting the light in for once. The school looked so different from the changes. It was being emptied and cleaned, and now it didn't seem so terribly creepy. It was just old and neglected. He wondered what it would look like when they returned, but all the students were wondering that. With the newfound light, he also noticed a lot of cracks in the stone.

Several times Casper had come across a group of students whispering to each other about the changes and the strange adult vampire. They even asked the friendly trio, plus Slither about Thatch's mother. None of Casper's friends could answer, and the friendly ghost refused to. He didn't know if it was his place to speak of such things. He rather kept his mouth shut to be on the safe side. He didn't want to betray Thatch in any way, and seeing how Thatch was about his home life, why would he take the gamble? Thatch was crazy protective over his mother.

Box after box, crate after crate, and then barrel after barrel of supplies was placed into the ship's cargo hold, which was filled with dust and spider webs from years of... General forgetfulness on Cappy's part. Then again the captain couldn't see, so no one could blame the blind pirate. The ship was stuffed with supplies, and as the sunset the students were gathered up, sitting on the benches placed on the upper deck. Clementine stood near the wheel with Kibosh, holding a black umbrella to keep her in the shade in case the sun was still up when they left the underworld. Only human-world light harmed vampires, as Thatch explained while they were cleaning a while ago.

Thatch was sitting beside Casper, tightly holding his hand as he was pretty much bouncing in his seat. Casper knew why Thatch was excited, he had the same mindset. The comfortable bedroom, the strawberry shortcakes and the dance in the empty ballroom, all theirs. They could do it all again, and they didn't have to worry or hide it. They could be them, be together. Not even Kibosh could get in their way now. The ghost let a relieved sigh escape him as all the teachers boarded the ship, standing around the railing instead of sitting down. Casper could see they were just as worried as many of the students. But Kibosh seemed so sure of this choice. Who were they to ask questions?

As the ship took off the student's excitement was brimming, the pirate ship soaring through the air and towards the portal. It got even more extreme when Clementine raised her hand, and an almost see-through sphere surrounded the ship. It was scarcely noticeable, just the light glimmering off of it gave it away to the people inside the bubble. Kibosh whispered to Clementine, causing the two to both chuckle. Kibosh playfully nudged the female vampire before he put his strict expression right back onto his big green face.

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