Chapter 30: It's not your fault, Ra

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Chapter Summary: Explaining to Ra he's not the only one discovering his powers causes some upset, much so Casper's dismay. It's no one's fault he thinks, they all just need to be careful.

Casper was the first to wake up when he heard all the alarms going off outside the coffin. The sound was muffled by the wood, but loud enough to hear anyways. The ghost stretched out, humming after his good night's sleep. He was feeling pretty good- he got the camera, they were safe, oh but there was the issue of Thatch. That could be fixed though. He'll just convince Thatch to eat this morning at breakfast. Casper sweetly smiled, kissing the vampire's forehead to gently wake him.

"Wake up, come on." He whispered pleasantly, brushing the vampire's multicolored hair away from his face. Thatch groaned softly, fussily turning away from Casper, but the ghost was just as stubborn. Casper sat up, pushing the lid up so light flooded in, making the vampire angrily hiss- not like Casper cared. He couldn't be bitten so Thatch's anger, especially right now did not scare him in the slightest. "Come on now, we need to go get breakfast." He stated firmly, giving Thatch one more kiss before he climbed out of the coffin, sighing happily as he stretched out. It felt nice, surely today would be perfect!

"Food later, sleep..." Thatch mumbled, pulling his cloak over his face.

"You're such a child." Casper huffed. "Come on you're like what, one-hundred years old?"

"One-hundred and seventy-fucking-one, thank you very much." He groaned, lifting his head up to look at the grinning ghost. "Ok fine, fine, I'm up, I'm up." He yawned and climbed out. The vampire sluggishly started to get some clean clothes for the day as Casper happily flew over to Ra's sarcophagus, poking his head in.

"You too Ra, time to get up." He encourages gently. The mummy was much more easy to handle today, and in fact, Ra woke up rather easily. The brown-eyed monster just stretched out, cracking his back before he sat up a bit. He started to retighten his bandages, still looking half asleep, but he was up.

"I don't think I'll ever stop unraveling," He muttered tiredly. Casper just smiled and went ahead and fazed through the stone, sitting in the sarcophagus with Ra as he watched the mummy fuss over his bandages.

"Maybe if you stopped unwrapping them to climb on them this won't happen," Casper easily offered. It made sense to Casper. Ra poutily shot him a disapproving look.

"I was unraveling before I started to use them as ropes, remember? It's why I was sent to Scare School... Along with being 'too nice'." He rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Dad says I'll learn to stop this, and I hope so." He grumbled lightly, tying the bandages tight. "Where'd you go last night? You didn't go looking for your bag, did you?"

"No, I didn't... I can't wait to tell you guys." Casper perked up, grinning widely. "Now come on and get up. I need to tell everyone at breakfast." He decided happily and flew out, just jumping up through the lid. Thatch was just returning back to the dorm, having had gone to the bathroom to brush his fangs and change into his clean clothes. Slither was out of bed as well, just resting beside Thatch's coffin and fussily dusting it off a bit. What a perfect morning.

Casper went over to Thatch, briefly circling him as he hovered, earning such an odd look from the grumpy vampire. "The hell you doing Casper? Stop flying." He demanded lightly, taking the ghost's hand and pulling him down gently. Casper huffed but allowed his feet to touch the floor now. "What was that about? You're far to giddy this morning."

"Just making sure you're ok," Casper spoke softly, offering a kind smile. "Plus seeing if you did your hair right." He teased, making the vampire instinctually reach up to feel his hair. Casper softly laughed and hugged the vampire tightly. "Come on, let's go eat." He decided as Ra walked his dumb bandaged butt over.

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