Chapter 35: Planning to Move

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Chapter Summary: Clementine returns, but not with news anyone could have expected. Everything will be changing from now on.

"Mom!" Thatch stood up, but he didn't run to her. He lingered where he was, and when Casper stood he quickly clutched the ghost's hand as he nervously watched the two adults. As much as he wanted to run into his mother's arms, he felt the obligation to stay beside Casper. The other students were rather rigid as well, watching the two adults.

"Everything is okay now," she spoke evenly as she looked up at Kibosh, who approved.

"Clementine Manora and I have changed the structure of the school. She told me HeadMaster is... outdated?" He glanced at her, and she only nodded calmly. "So now I'm a Principle, and she is the Vice-Principal. She has many plans on making this school better... And on Friday this week Scare School will be moved to a different location." At this, gasps of enthusiasm erupted from the students. Moved, but where? The second Wolfie raised his hand to ask they continued on.

"My home is deep, deep in the mortal world, hidden away by a strong power. The castle is large and has more than enough space for you students," as Clementine spoke she opened her arms in a welcoming gesture. "With this, we will also stop preying upon the people of Deedstown. We have haunted and scared in that location too much, as seen by the monster hunter that has been trying to fight us off. Outside the forest where my home resides is another town, ready to be haunted after not seeing monsters for a very long time. A new school and new hunting grounds. Lessons will continue as normal, until the day of the move. On that day we will all help pack our belongings and school supplies, then we will leave Scare School as it is restored and refurbished, which is long overdue."

"She can't do that!" Dummy Girl yelled, and some hushed yet confused agreed mutters echoed. Clementine only smiled and let Kibosh move forward. She had no desire to talk to the little brat.

"She can and is because I asked her to. For years this school has needed a good to remodel, a little upgrade to assure you students have the best learning experience to scare fleshies!"

Clementine cleared her throat. "Humans..." She gently spoke. "He means humans... Students, when this school opened so many hundreds of years ago the founder's goal was to assure to distance monsters from the humans as much as they can. They wrote their own textbooks, trying to make humans seem as foreign and strange as possible, different from us. Kibosh and I had agreed long ago this was outdated and needed to be changed. I'll be providing new books about humans, and Kibosh has actually written his own book about how to scare humans much more effectively than your books do now. Your education will benefit from this change, and I'm sure a change in the environment will broaden your minds... Plus, Kibosh has brought it to everyone's attention some of you are unlocking your true potential!"

"And with this, we'll need a new place. I doubt this building can handle any more chaos before the remodel." He muttered as he looked around the old cafeteria. "We are very lucky to have this opportunity. I've been asking Clementine for years to allow this. Now then... There is nothing else to discuss. I have work to do to settle these new plans. Clementine, mind answering any questions they have?"

"Of course, Kibosh." She replied loyally. Kibosh nodded and turned to leave when Dummy Girl stomped her foot. He stopped and hovered back, watching calmly to see how Clementine would handle this. Kibosh was a curious ghost and clearly wondered how Clementine would react under pressure after years of isolation.

"Wait, what about Thatch and Casper! Being friendly isn't allowed!"

"Oh what an outdated idea!" Clementine actually laughed, a cruel and cold look briefly crossing her eyes before she masked it with mock amusement. "What a silly thing. Again, the founders wanted to assure monsters were scary, so they had some very harsh and dumb rules. As long as monsters are scaring humans and assuring the balance there is no need to be cruel to each other.... Now, it's the weekend. If any of you have homework, you should go." She spoke easily, but no one left. Clementine calmly looked at all the children, then nodded in understanding. "You all have questions... Very well," she decided and walked over to one of the lunch tables, carefully sitting down with her back to the table so she was still facing the students. "I will answer the ones I want to."

Rewritten- Let Love FlowWhere stories live. Discover now