Chapter 16: Whose side are you on?

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Chapter Summary: The relationship it out and sides are being taken. What will the school do now that thatch and Casper are publicly together?

Casper could feel his whole face go red, Thatch's lips pressed against his in such a public place. The blue-eyed ghost shut his eyes tightly, feeling his heart pound away in his chest. He didn't pull away from the kiss. No, Casper rather stay just like this, unable to see the people around them. To feel Thatch's warm body, his comforting hold. The ghost moved his hands, resting them on the vampire's chest, just to have some sort of grounding It was then he could actually feel the faint pounding of Thatch's heart. So the vampire really did have a beating heart- actually, he had noticed it before, perhaps it just never clicked until now. When they slept together Casper had the faint memory of the gently thumping bringing him comfort and lulling him to sleep... While Casper himself didn't have one, he felt great comfort feeling Thatch's. How it pulsed quicker when they kissed, how it slowed when he was asleep. It was fascinating.

Despite Casper's desperate wish for the kiss to last, Thatch pulled back from the ghost. Casper kept forgetting that Thatch actually had to breathe. Stupid lungs...

There was pure silence in the normally loud room. Casper didn't know what to say or do, and in truth, he could tell neither did Thatch. After what seemed like forever of silence Wolfie chuckled, his tail wagging as he laughed. "Oh, I thought you smelled like Thatch Casper, so this is why!" He joked. A lot of students started to laugh along, out of nervousness or just because they wanted to make fun of the very strange ghost and vampire. Wolfie himself seemed surprised by the laughter. He truly didn't mean to start that.

Casper felt his heart sink and he turned to face forward, looking back at their lunch table. Mantha seemed annoyed with the laughter, her gaze hardening as she looked around at all the laughing students, making note of every single one of them as if she was planning some sort of hit list. Ra seemed to be fuming as he turned the golden medallion around and around in his hand as a nervous tick, or maybe an angry one. It was hard to tell at times because Ra had been doing it a lot as of late. Casper couldn't see what Slither was doing, the snake monster was still under the table in his hiding spot. Honestly, it was probably for the best that way.

Thatch seemed to be getting annoyed with the laughter- Casper knew Thatch was terribly quick to get mad and start fights, but before the vampire could do anything Fly Boy flew over, nervously buzzing in the air near their table. Casper lifted his gaze and offered a weak smile to the fellow student. He liked Fly Boy, he helped that student out a lot. Thatch was known to pick on Fly Boy as much as Wolfie in a bad week.

"Y.. yoooou guyzzz... Make aaah cute couplezzz...." The insect monster spoke, giving a little twitch now and then as he hovered close, unable to stay in place as he floated.

Thatch seemed... pretty much at a loss for words. He wasn't use to saying nice things to other students so Casper decided to. "Thanks, Fly Boy." He happily said, leaning against Thatch more. Fly Boy now pleased with himself flew away, going back to sit by Pumpkinhead to finish his breakfast. Fly Boy honestly didn't care what many others were thinking, he figured the relationship would be fine because within the last week or so Thatch hadn't picked on him once. If it was because of this relationship why should he protest?

The laughter in the room was pretty much gone now, no one really sure how to react. Ok, so Thatch and Casper kissed. Fly Boy claimed they're a cute couple. Wolfie had been smelling Thatch on Casper before this, and Casper has been saving Wolfie from his daily beatings... Well, one thing's for sure. Thatch was a lot more passive. So no one really wanted to outwardly disapprove of this now- it was too early to start much drama... unless you were Dummy Girl.

"That is disgusting," she yelled across the room, angrily watching Thatch. She had put down her fork, refusing to eat as if the sight of the kiss made her lose her appetite."I mean honestly, a vampire and a ghost? How weird can that get?" She laughed, nudging the skeleton sisters who nervously joined in.

Rewritten- Let Love FlowWhere stories live. Discover now