Chapter 22: Calm after the Storm

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Chapter Summary: After the attack, everyone is finding a moment to calm down and connect with each other. Building trust among the new group of friends is vital if they want to be safe and have Casper and Thatch be happy.

Separating from Thatch was more distressing than the ghost really wanted to admit. He had been so calm before, even when Thatch was in pain- he had been strong for the vampire so Thatch for once would allow himself to be weak. But now that they were separated all Casper could think about was his worry for Thatch, all alone in that coffin as he tried to recover. At least the headmasters seemed to have some sense of mercy, but he wondered why. They seemed to want to catch the attacker and punish them- not like their usual 'we don't give a fuck about the students' selves. But he found it odder that they wrote a report on it. Would it be in their records? What exactly did they write?

But, as long as it helped Thatch why should the blue-eyed ghost care? Mosshead was getting punished, though Casper almost wished the punishment was worse than what was given. Thatch could have really been hurt, or killed by such an event. And now Casper knew people had it out for him and Thatch- or maybe just Thatch. Casper hasn't been hurt, only his clothes ruined that morning. But they really needed to get all the students on their side. Luckily, as they returned back to their classes- all expect Ra, Thatch, and Mosshead, Casper noticed the divide has changed.

Both skeletons were on his side now- he can actually see the divide in the classroom. Mantha, Slither, Wolfie, Quasi, Flyboy, Monaco, and Mickey- well when one looked at it Casper saw a majority of people were on his side now. Maybe people felt bad for Thatch? The only people actually against him were still Dummy Girl, oh and it looked like she was pretending to cry and getting Harpy to be her new lackie, great. And for some reason, Triclops was on their side as well, and that just confused Casper further. They had always helped her, and now she was supporting Dummy Girl; Casper could only reason it off that she still hated Thatch from his bullying.

After all, Thatch always shoved her around- but he did that to everyone, and he was changed now! Casper sighed, and Mantha took notice right away. She patted the ghost's back and offered a smile to try to comfort him. "Hey, we almost got everyone on our side now."

"I'm sad it had to be because Thatch got hurt," Casper muttered as he sat beside the zombie. He was glad people were on his side, no doubt but... Thatch was still all alone in his coffin due to the event- oh and of course so was Ra. He couldn't forget Ra, who had done magic, now that was utterly puzzling.

Ra had never really displayed it before, but Casper remembered when Dummy Girl threatened Slither and him, Ra's eyes for a moment... He thought he was seeing things, but seems not. He'll really have to ask the mummy where he learned magic, it was so cool! Mantha was probably thinking the same thing, she seemed so distracted she didn't even notice when the class started, but then again neither did Casper. A few minutes into their lessons was when they noticed the world around them and actually started to take notes.

Casper knew he wasn't absorbing anything, he was just mindlessly writing down what was on the board without actually learning. How could he focus? He knew the second the lunch bell would ring he'll be out of there and back in the dorm, checking in on the vampire. He shouldn't be left alone after such an event- but he also wanted to keep a close eye on Dummy Girl. He didn't understand, last night Thatch helped her and now she does this? How cruel can one be? With it only being Wednesday he silently wondered if the rest of the week would get any better. He certainly hoped it would.

Mantha leaned over and gently nudged Casper, motioning he had forgotten to take down the last paragraph of notes and their teacher was about to erase the board. The ghost quickly started to scribble down keywords- it was like some sort of extreme sport for a bit; trying to read and get everything as it was being erased. It sucked, and the class didn't get any better.

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