Chapter 15: Protective Friends

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Chapter Summary: Vampire and ghost both have protective friends, and they all start to clash as they try to defend their own friend from any 'danger'.

When Casper woke up he had a positive outlook on the morning despite the frightening night he and Thatch went through. Today a lot will change. Today would be better. The ghost slowly got up and reached under his bed, where his new bag of clothes awaited him. He wasn't sure if it was Mantha or Ra that put them there for him, but either way, it was grateful to have such thoughtful friends. He had almost forgotten about the bag of clothes. He fazed out of his PJs, letting them fall lifelessly onto the bed as he went through the bag, picking out the second outfit Thatch had picked out for him.

It was a cute blue shirt that had 'boo' written on the front. Thatch had seen it and just couldn't stop laughing so they had to get it apparently. When Thatch laughed that hard Casper just couldn't say no.

It was paired with some nice 'blue jeans' as Thatch called them. He saw Jimmy wear them a lot too, apparently, they were very common and good to wear if you were doing anything. So Casper put the clothes on along with his socks and shoes, eager to get the day started.

Casper liked this outfit more because it didn't have the jacket, but he did prefer the bat shirt. It just felt more... Well, it was hard to describe. It was like he was carrying a piece of Thatch with him then, a constant reminder the vampire cared for him. But no matter what he wore it was nice, for it was all a gift from the bully.

Once dressed in his new outfit he looked around, seeing everyone groggily getting ready for the day. Ra had just barely pushed the lid off of his bed, looking ever so tired. Casper couldn't help but to smile and go over, helping Ra push the lid back fully. "Sleep well?" He kindly asked.

"Yaaa..." Ra yawned tiredly, lazily tightening a bandage on his wrist like he so often did. "You look awake this morning," he muttered as he looked over the ghost's outfit. He seemed to have no issues with his outfit- probably because it had nothing vampire or bat-related on it.

"Yeah, got back early last night. Actually got some good sleep." Casper happily chimed as he floated by his friend, filled with such energy.

Ra nodded tiredly and started to drag his feet towards the door. Casper only smiled and peacefully went along, opening the door for Ra as they went just to save the mummy the trouble. Honestly, sometimes Ra was so hopeless. He wondered how the mummy would ever function on his own, but it didn't matter as long as Ra had friends. Which he will!

"Can Thatch sit with us this morning?" Casper asked the sleepy mummy as they waited outside the girl's dorm as always, awaiting Mantha. Ra only nodded, rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, uh sure- ask Mantha." He yawned. Casper rolled his eyes. Honestly, Ra was completely unable to think in the morning.

"Your hat is on backward, let me help." Casper moved closer, helping Ra adjust his little headwear. Casper always wondered why Ra wore it, or that type of hat exactly. The type of hat was like a beanie, which did not exist in Ra's time- but at the same time, Ra had some sort of gold snakehead on it to make it match his style.

"Thanks," Ra muttered as he reached up, making sure the snakehead was centered now. His hand briefly drifted down to his golden necklace with an engraved beetle on it. Honestly, Ra was so strange... Not just Ra himself, but what he was. Caper knew Thatch was never a fleshie or dead, but what about Ra? Did he have a human life?

Mantha opened the girl's dorms and stepped out, reattaching her arm. "Oh hey, guys. Sorry to keep you waiting." She kindly smiled. Mantha was always so much better in the mornings than Ra. "Aw Casper, you look cute today. Doesn't he look nice- Ra?... RA!" She raised her voice, snapping the dozing mummy awake.

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