Chapter 10: A not so helpful fleshie

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Chapter Summary: Thatch and Casper caught by the human Angelina play along with her antics to avoid getting in trouble until Thatch spots an opportunity to escape with their sought out items. After returning home, Thatch's mother, Clementine has a few choice words for the friendly ghost.

The strange fleshie led them into the town park- currently abandoned as most of the kids were playing at each other's houses, probably on their computers or consoles. She went over to the playground and the two monsters were nervous to follow, but what choice did they have? Casper wanted to do this the safest way possible, and Thatch was just hoping to get out of town mostly unseen- which meant this fleshie can't scream or they would be exposed.

The black-haired fleshie led them into the cover of the playground set, the plastic walls bleached by the sun had lost their yellow color ages ago while the brown walkways were losing their layers of paint, showing the gray metal it was actually made out of. It didn't look like a friendly place, and from the cobwebs hanging around no one played here anymore. The fleshie sat down by what used to be a red slide, now a paled to an awful pink.

"No one comes here, we'll be safe right here. This is the only place in the park where we can't be spotted from the street as well." She assured the two monsters with ease. Plus the overhead 'roof' provided some nice shade.

"Listen here, we just want-"

"What Thatch is trying to say is we're glad you stopped us. But we really just wanted to make this trip quick, we just need some milk from the town market." Casper interjected easily. He didn't need Thatch making the only friendly fleshie here mad at them. He rather not get in trouble- plus he could run and hide ever so easily... Thatch could not. The ghost simply didn't want Thatch endangering himself due to his awful attitude.

"Town market...? That's not open for another month, and even then they don't sell milk. That's only sold in stores." She scoffed softly. "Health regulations prevent unmonitored milk from being sold in the market after all. Only grown foods or baked goods are sold there anymore."

"That's dumb!" The vampire hissed, stomping his foot lightly. "Why'd they change it? It was fine the way it was!" He claimed stubbornly.

"It's been that way since, ever, you brat." She rolled her eyes. She didn't seem to be fearing the vampire at all- but Casper couldn't help but notice Thatch was oddly irritable and staying away from the human. It looked like the vampire was getting a headache and it was getting worse every second they were here.

"Don't mind him," Casper gently spoke as he hoped the defuse the situation. Casper understood Thatch hated fleshies, but something was off. "Ok, so we'll just go into this store and get some, no big deal." The ghost decided. "Or maybe... If you wouldn't mind, can you go to the store and get it?" Casper wanted to take as little chances as possible. He was starting to wonder if making the shortbread was worth all this trouble. The strawberries were just fine on their own.

"I mean, yeah I could," the female drew out lazily. "But I have questions!" She grinned, pulling a notepad from the backpack on her back. She pulled out a pen and looked at the two expectantly. "What's your names again? I need to take proper notes."

"We don't deal with fleshies." Thatch hissed and grabbed onto Casper, pulling on the ghost. "Come on let's just go. We'll get the milk on our own, we don't need help." He reasoned.

"But, she just wants to ask a few questions, what's the harm?"

"The 'harm' is fleshies aren't supposed to know anything about us!"

"Can you stop calling me a fleshies?" The human frowned. "I have a name you know- I've already told you it!" She clicked her pen repeatedly as she watched them. "It's just a few harmless questions. I've always wanted to invest monsters and learn more about them!"

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