Chapter 2: Midnight Embrace

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Chapter Summary: Casper is bothered by the events of the night before, and this time is determined to do... something- even if Casper doesn't fully understand his own motives.

The next day was oddly normal and it was driving Casper insane.

Everyone had woken up, like normal.

Everyone got ready, like normal.

Nothing was said about the badge placed back on his bed, like normal.

All the classes were boring, like normal.

And Thatch was bullying other students, like normal!

Mantha hadn't brought up anything from that morning, and neither had Ra. They were just doing their everyday thing like nothing happened last night. By lunchtime, Casper was impatient and much to his own dislike, a bit angry. So when Ra, Mantha, and himself sat down- alone for the first time that day he almost immediately brought it up.

"About last night," He started calmly, looking up from the gross looking food that was served.

"Oh right, Mantha did you know?" Ra lightly chuckled, poking at his rather gross looking lunch, watching as it wiggled and growl. The mummy turned hopefully to the zombie who nodded.

"Well yeah. The answer is it's completely fine for two boys to like each other..." She carefully said. "Like I said last night, not exactly normal but nothing's wrong with that," she drew out slowly, her eyes wandering around the cafeteria before they landed on Thatch, who was currently pushing Mosshead around simply for being in his way it seemed. She hated that vampire so much, what an awful bully! She scoffed and looked back to Casper. "Tell Ra." She almost ordered.

"Tell me what?" The mummy asked, contently sipping on his drink, feeling rather happy he and Casper had gotten their answer in the first place. They could always rely on Mantha to answer their questions.

"I... Well, when I asked Mantha last night she asked why while I asked..." Casper carefully spoke, watching Thatch in a much different light than Mantha. When he was watching, Mosshead had spilled something onto Thatch's cloak while carrying his tray, and Thatch was very angry about it, then fussing over his cape as he used several napkins to try to remove the gross school food so it won't stain- after he, of course, pushed Mosshead for doing it in the first place. "... And to be truthful, I really don't know an exact answer, but I asked the question with... him in mind." Casper couldn't exactly bring himself to utter Thatch's name, but Ra understood by simply following the other's gaze.

Ra admittedly made a face, his nose scrunched up in distaste. "Him? That's why you asked? I don't get it..." He muttered. Casper shrugged and looked away from the vampire, instead feeling rather guilty as he watched Mantha and Ra.

"Casper, can you explain last night at all?" Mantha started simply, knowing this could have only happened after the fight. Everything had been perfectly normal the day before. She just couldn't understand what would make Casper see Thatch in a positive way simply because there was nothing positive about that awful bully.

"Well, I can't explain," Casper said, wanting to avoid the topic. But the gazes from his friends were peer pressure enough to talk. "Okay, so... I followed him when he snuck out of the school and when he was alone he was just... Well I dunno, he was just peaceful? He wasn't acting all big and bad, he was just taking a stroll and relaxing? It made him seem nicer- more human?"

"More human?" Ra laughed, setting his drink down. "Thatch is nothing like a human. I doubt he could ever be like a human!"

"But he was a human once, and he still looks like a human." Casper defended.

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