Chapter 29: The camera

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Chapter Summary: Slither reveals some disturbing news he has discovered during his time with Dummy girl, and Casper takes it upon himself to protect Thatch by stealing.

Casper hurried down the hall, the sound of his own shoes setting him on edge. He was tempted to faze out of his clothes so he could sneak around and find Slither easier, but it seems that wasn't needed yet. No one was in the halls anyways. As he turned the corner to the nurse's office he saw the door open, the bright light of the office flooding into the halls, stopping right before Casper's feet. He quickly ducked right back around the corner, his back pressed against the cold stone wall. He carefully listened and he heard the oh too familiar sound of wood hitting stone, then if he listened closely, he could barely hear the sound of fabric dragging. Slither's robe.

Casper held his breath, even if it wasn't needed and carefully peered around the corner to see the two. The nurse's office door had shut behind them, leaving them in the normal dim light of Scare School.

The snake-like monster was looking pretty tired, having to rely on Dummy Girl to help him along. He was moving slower than usual, and Casper could see, even if his purple robes hid it, his tail movements were sluggish but careful, as if he was trying not to move a certain spot of his tail. "Okay you big dummy," Dummy Girl started in her horrid voice, "let's get you to bed early. Honestly, I don't even think that check-up was so bad." She easily said, not even noticing Slither's discomfort.

"She removed scales." Slither countered weakly, then just dropped the subject. He was too tired to deal with her attitude, and he was still undercover so it wasn't like he could actively argue with her, not even a little bit. "T-thank you for helping me." He mumbled after a moment, even if he truly didn't mean it. In the short time, Casper has actually gotten to know Slither he could tell when Slither was lying or not. Seems Dummy Girl didn't bother to get to know her so-called friends at all! The slightest change in Slither's facial expressions could change the meaning of his words in crazy ways.

"Well, of course, you need me." She said confidently, turning her nose up snootily. "We're friends and I need to make sure you're in tiptop shape! After all, I'm a kind generous person to my friends," she claimed with utterly no truth to back it up. "Now are you ready?"

"For the plan," Slither whispered softly, his eye nervously darting around the wall as they slowly made their way down. It was then Casper noticed they were getting close, but he wanted to hear more. He needed to know. As much as he wanted to trust Slither, Slither was Thatch's friend. Would Slither really keep his word and tell them? Was he being too distrustful...?

"Yes." The puppet giggled happily. Her laugh made Casper's gut twist. Plan? What plan? He had to move back now, they were coming his way. The ghost quickly looked around and spotted a door just behind him. He floated off the ground and quickly opened the door, relieved to find it unlocked. He ducked into the classroom, keeping the door cracked open so he could watch and hear what was going on. He no longer felt guilty about leaving the sad vampire, he needed to hear this. It was important and for the betterment of their relationship.

"Even with Kibosh, it won't change?" Slither mumbled softly.

"Course not. And we're doing it tonight." Dummy Girl decided firmly, looking ever so excited. It made Casper's gut turn into a ball of knots.

"But we agreed next week-"

"Silence... now shush, oh shush you sleepy snake." She said in a mocking motherly tone, placing her hand over Slither's mouth. "You're going to go rest in bed, and when it's time I'll come wake you," she said simply. "Everything will go according to plan, correct?" Slither nodded weakly and sighed, not bothering to say a word in protest. He just looked too tired to.

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