Chapter 31: A peaceful Saturday

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Chapter Summary: After so many crazy things happening the group decides to collect themselves and just try to do what kids do best: Enjoy life.

After breakfast, and with Thatch properly stuffed to Casper's personal liking the large group headed back to the boy's dorm. Naturally, curiosity was getting at all of them so Casper went to the coffin to get the camera out of its hiding spot after kindly telling everyone but Thatch to turn away. He didn't want to risk anyone seeing Thatch's hiding spot, or the collection of colorful rubber ducks. He was careful as he took the camera out, then quickly shut the hidden compartment then the lid of the coffin. "Okay guys," he started and turned back towards his friends.

They all naturally started to move around to get comfortable. Casper sat beside the coffin, leaning back against it so he had some support. Thatch was to his right, Slither to his left. Ra climbed on top of the coffin, ignoring Thatch's soft hiss of protest. Thatch allowed it once Ra just sat down, peering down at the camera from behind Casper's shoulder, and Mantha sat on the coffin beside Ra so she could see as well.

With everyone gathered close Casper carefully turned the camera on. It was one of those fancy electronic ones Jimmy liked to show him. It could store hundreds of pictures, and videos normally. Casper had to carefully navigate the menus, finding the gallery and opening it. Casper just selected the oldest picture because it was the first thumbnail that loaded. Why not start at the beginning anyway? The screen took a few moments to load before it displayed the picture.

The first picture was simple enough, Dummy Girl clearly used this camera for personal use, but for some reason, there was a picture of Slither from behind as the snake monster was brushing his teeth, clearly early in the morning. Slither instantly groaned upon seeing the image.

"She kept those?" He almost whined, naturally reaching forward to take the camera and Mantha smacked his 'hand' away instantly as she scooched forward on top of the coffin to see the image better.

"No, shoo. I wanna see. What are these?" Mantha asked. Casper only shrugged, and Slither wasn't answering so he went on to the next picture, which was the same setting just slightly different. Now they could see Dummy Girl's hand reaching forward from behind the camera as she snuck up behind Slither. The next picture showed her hand just hovering over the back of Slither's robe. The next one had Slither up on the sink, toothbrush still in his mouth as he clung to the wall mirror, clearly startled like a common domestic house cat. Casper honestly couldn't imagine how Slither got up there. Did he jump? Climb? It was a mystery.

Ra started to laugh, gripping his sides as he nearly rolled off of the coffin. Mantha nearly rolled off the coffin with the mummy while Slither, the entire time had this 50% fed-up look. Even Thatch was trying not to laugh just to save Slither some of his pride.

"Oh I remember these," Thatch mumbled, trying to just continue. "Dummy Girl loved taking pictures of us. She even got some of me."

"But you're a vampire?" Ra chuckled, still trying to get over the fact that Slither looked like a scared cat. The mummy re-adjusted himself so he was laying on the lid, less likely he'll fall off with laughter then.

"Normally yes. We can't see ourselves in mirrors or old photographs because of the silver used. But with digital screens and the like, we can be captured." Thatch easily explained with a shrug. "You should have seen Dummy Girl's face when she figured that lovely detail out," Thatch softly groaned. "I was so sick of this camera constantly in my face. I made her delete most of my photos."

Casper softly giggled and pressed next, and to his surprise, it was a fuzzy image of what only could be described as a sideways arrow. After Casper looked back at Ra and Mantha and got no answer, he looked to Thatch. The vampire pressed the center 'ok' button on the camera, and after a brief loading, a video started to play. The volume was on max too, giving them all a bit of a start.

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