Chapter 3: Admire from afar

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Chapter Summary: After making a small mistake and class Casper is eager to correct himself and make sure Thatch trusts him. After the misunderstanding is clear the two simply settle down and enjoy each other's presence.

Casper felt as light as air the next day, and it wasn't just because he was a ghost. When he rose from his bed he was feeling lively, a big smile plastered on his face. The badge Thatch had returned was now hidden under his pillow, safe and sound where no other student could see. He didn't need anyone asking questions about who won that fight after all. Certain things were just best hidden from the light of the day.

Ra was slow to get out of his bed, lifting up the heavy lid and crawling out- looking like he got no sleep at all. This did not deter the friendly ghost at all who floated over, smiling widely and as active as the sun is bright. "Good morning Ra! Come on let's go get Mantha and head down for breakfast." He chimed, pulling Ra eagerly.

Ra tiredly looked at Casper, looking more like a zombie than a mummy in his current state- Mantha would be proud probably. "Uuugh... Casper tone it down by like, 99%." He muttered as he allowed Casper to drag him the rest of the way out of bed, far too tired to put up much of a fight. Ra tightened one of the loosening bandages on his wrist once he was standing uprighting, then rubbed his tired eyes- mindlessly following the ghost out of their dorms. Casper wanted to get out of there in a hurry, really not knowing what to do if he ended up meeting Thatch during the day. For now, it was best to just avoid the situation. So after rounding Mantha up from the girl's dorm, they all headed down, getting their breakfast and swiftly sitting at their table before any other student even arrived.

"So, how did it go?" Mantha asked the overly excitable ghost. Ra- who was finally waking up seemed more excited.

"Oh right, yeah! I stayed up almost all night keeping an eye out for when you and Thatch returned, I guess I fell asleep though..."

"You stayed up waiting for us?" Casper raised an invisible brow at the mummy, who shrugged.

"I wanted to make sure you didn't get mauled. Even as a ghost you let Thatch push you around so I got worried." He defended. Casper smiled gently and shook his head. Sometimes he felt just really lucky to have friends, honestly, they were just the best.

"Well, thank you, Ra. But everything was fine." He started. "I gave him a bit of a start at first but... It worked out really... really well. He was... Well, I guess you both want the whole story?" Casper looked at them both, who nodded. Casper didn't feel like giving them all the really personal details- he had made a promise to Thatch. But lying to his friends would hurt. He will be careful with his words then. "Thatch was going into the forest to just- calm down?" Yes, that sounded good. "I kinda just appeared behind him and he was startled, but he really wasn't getting mad... I... It's hard to explain but in the end, we just sat down and talked."

"About what?" Ra pressed. Casper just shook his head. "Oh come on you can't keep this a secret from us."

"I have to. I promised Thatch..."

"I bet Thatch won't keep that promise. He's an awful bat- watch he'll use whatever happened last night against you." Mantha remarked coldly.

"N-no he won't... Watch today he'll be different!" Casper had no clue if that was true, in fact, he doubted it. They were only truced in the moonlight...


Casper went with his dear friends to their first class with a heavy heart, worry spreading through him like poison. Mantha was probably right, Thatch wouldn't change. He'll be an awful bully as ever, but Casper just still had a hard time seeing it now. Those fangs no longer held any bite behind them. The ghost boy sighed as he sat at his normal desk, his mind wandering away from the classroom, and instead he stared out the window. He could barely see the forest from here, but it was enough to make him smile.

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