Chapter 28: Kibosh in charge

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Chapter Summary: With Alder and Dash going on 'vacation' leaves the students in shock. With the leader of the underworld taking over everyone is on edge.

"Keep close." Thatch whispered, moving closer to the ghost. He didn't want to even get a foot away from Casper in the crowd of students. It was easy to get separated, and Thatch was still on edge about Dummy Girl. Casper nodded, then glanced over to Ra and Mantha who were silently walking on his other side. Ra seemed pretty tired, again so he wasn't talking all that much.

"This has nothing to do with you two, does it?" Mantha muttered softly, cautiously looking around as they walked. Casper could see she was popping her finger on and off again, he really needed to ask why Mantha has been doing it a lot as of late. Was it just a nervous tick or was that finger having trouble staying attached like the times her arms just refused to work? He really didn't want a repeat of that event. Casper couldn't answer her question either, making the zombie groan after a few silent moments. "Of course it is..."

The students all funneled into the main hall, whispering among themselves. Thatch made a point to pull Casper, Ra, and Mantha to the front of the crowd so they could see. Normally Casper preferred hanging around the back, but Thatch liked being the center of the attention and getting the best seats for everything and anything. Casper found it amusing, if not a little bit annoying. Thatch always had to get his way.

Alder and Dash stood by the front doors, looking nervous as Kibosh floated beside them, his red stern eyes watching the students as they filed in. Kibosh was just watching, saying nothing to them. The students all fell silent under the gaze of Kibosh, a deadly hush falling upon the normally talkative students.

Casper kept close to Thatch's side, his gaze kept drifting from Kibosh to Ra and Mantha. He had no clue how to explain the situation, nor did he know what would really happen. He just kept silent like all the other students, though he knew he felt way more guilty than anyone else in the room. He caused this, but perhaps it was for the better good? But he didn't want to get another headmaster like Master Blister. That man was horrid.

"Students." Kibosh spoke in a commander tone, his voice filling the room. "And teachers." Casper glanced around and on the second floor, he could see all the teachers standing around, even the cafeteria lady... monster had come. Casper could see the creature was upset because it was waving one of its long tentacles towards Alder, who was frowning and waving back in a childish manner.

Casper hadn't even noticed them at first, they were all so silent. "It has come to my attention this school needs some... major changes. So." Kibosh continued, clasping his hands together. "Alder and Dash are going on a long vacation." He put nicely. "And while they're gone, for however long that might be, I'll be running the school."

There was no cheering, no excitement. Just shock. Kibosh was going to run the school himself? Alder and Dash were going to be gone for who knew how long? Last time Alder and Dash were fired things did not go well at all. They could all remember the dreaded replacement that had ran the school like a military camp. Casper only hoped Kibosh knew he should be nice to the lunch lady.

Casper turned to Thatch, who uncomfortably shifted around, looking down at the floor as h tried to control his inner guilt. "Thatch," Casper whispered softly, pulling on the vampire gently. Thatch softly hissed in return, even if he couldn't meet the ghost's gaze.

"Shh, Casper, we did nothing wrong." He tried to assure the ghost. "They had this coming. They tried to stop... us." He almost whined, his shoulders slumping down helplessly. It was clear the vampire was feeling terribly guilty despite his words. Casper's guilt melted away and he nodded, trying to be strong for himself and Thatch. Alder and Dash tried to get between them. Thatch only exposed them for their ridiculous rules and made up bull. There was only one small lie, and that was only to his mom to help give her that little push to call Kibosh. They did nothing wrong. This was surely for the better!

Rewritten- Let Love FlowWhere stories live. Discover now