Chapter 6: Thatch goes home

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Chapter Summary: Thatch goes home and it's not at all what Casper expects. From the location to the house and to Thatch's mother, Casper is left in stunned silence as he tries to figure it out.

The boat creaked and moaned with every gust of wind that helped it sail through the air. Casper kept hidden, too scared to come out and admit to Thatch that once again- he had followed the vampire without permission. So, the ghost boy could do nothing but stay hidden and follow the violet-eyed vampire.

The double eyepatch-wearing pirate waddled along the deck with his peg leg, heading over to the wheel. His parrot grumpily watched Thatch distrustingly as if expecting Thatch to start insulting them the whole way, but the vampire did not. He silently sat on the wooden bench, tucking his legs up to his chest.

"So kid, where are we going?" Cappy asked. "I know you live in the underworld-"

"The human world." Thatch interrupted, not even lifting his gaze from his picture. "I live in the human world..."

"Your records say Underworld..."

"That's our second house, for when... when... Just take me to the human world. Drop me off in the normal town, I'll get home myself." Thatch sighed softly, for some reason not picking a fight with the pirate.

"I'm not sure if that's in the rules little child."

"You're job is to control the ship and take me to my destination. Take me to the human town and leave me there... now leave me alone." The vampire murmured, turning so he was no longer facing the pirate at all. He instead opted to gaze out, watching as the ship started to sail away into the open air. He seemed to be in an irritable mood, but that was always the case. Perhaps it was odd because he wasn't as aggressive as he normally was. He was awfully snippy, but he wasn't threatening the pirate.

The trip was terribly silent and awkward. Cappy kept opening his mouth to speak, but then would silently shut it and say nothing. His parrot seemed equally as speechless, for once. So they sailed in silence.

Thatch refused to speak any more to the pirate anyways, just gazing out into nothing. As they went through the junction, always the anonymous purple swirling portal of doom it seemed. As the bright sunlight hit Thatch he flinched back, just because it hurt his eyes at first. He rubbed them, blinking rapidly as he slowly adjusted to the awful sunlight and blue skies. A hiss escaped him out of pure annoyance to the sunlight. Their last trip to the human world was at least 3 weeks ago, leaving the vampire far too use to the dark and gloomy Underworld.

As the ship lowered, parking in its favored spot in town the vampire got up, hiding the picture back into his cloak, nice and safe. He walked towards the ramp, dragging his feet on the wooden deck.

"Now remember here laddie, I'll be back Monday morning 7am, sharp! That gives you the rest of this here Saturday and Sunday back home." He reminded.

"Yeah yeah, I won't be late you greasy old man." He snapped harshly. Cappy puffed his chest out, grumbling angrily as he turned away from the awful student. He much preferred taxiing Casper around. That ghost was always a pleasure to have!

"Well get going!" He snapped as he walked back to the wheel instead of letting the ramp down. "You can fly, you don't need no ramp." Seems Thatch had hit a soft spot with the old pirate, oh well.

The irritable vampire changed into a small black bat, quickly spreading his wings and took off flying into the air, but ever so close to the ground. Seems Thatch didn't like flying high up. Casper, of course, followed- unseen as ever.


They flew for a while, leaving the small town and passing at least a few others before Thatch flew into a dark forest, weaving between the trees easily. Casper made his life easier and just went through them to keep up with the nimble bat. Then- deep in the forest Casper saw what could only be described as some sort of magical wall. He barely noticed it honestly.

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