Chapter 7: Brave Father

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Chapter Summary: After revealing himself to Thatch Casper wants many of his questions answered. Thatch decides there's no point in hiding it from the ghost, so he tells Casper about his past and family.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Casper quickly said, holding his hands up, as if that would help the situation. It only made Casper look even more guilty in this situation.

"W-why... how- you followed me? Casper what the hell!" The vampire yelled, a hand over his chest as if to try to calm his 'pounding' heart. Casper wasn't sure vampires had heartbeats- but the ghost swore he could feel his at times even if he technically had no heart or any organs for that matter.

"I'm so so sorry, please listen-"

"No, hide!" The vampire quickly started to push Casper. "Under my bed or something, go go go!" He hissed. Casper just managed to get under Thatch's bed when his mother came rushing into the room, an apron still tied around her with flour lightly dusting it.

"Thatch, baby I heard you scream!" She rushed over, wrapping her arms around her child as her eyes scanned the room. "What's the matter, why'd you scream? Did you get hurt?" Thatch clung naturally to his mom, snuggling into her arms like a needy child.

"I'm sorry I, uh... I started to doze off and... I was just..." Thatch couldn't really think of a lie, but from the look on his mom's face Thatch knew she was jumping ahead and guessing at what he was thinking. It pained him to see that was always the first thing to come to mind.

"It's ok... As you said, the magical wall is up. They'll never find us again." She softly whispered. She kept him close to her bosom, brushing his black and white hair back, smiling down at him. "You remind me so much of your father..." She softly whispered.

"I look more like you," the batboy smiled sheepishly. His mother only shook her head and smiled, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. "I'm sorry to have scared you, I'll be ok now."

"If you say so..." She was slow to let go, clearly missing her darling baby boy. "I'll get back to cooking, it'll be done soon." She stood up, dusting off the front of her gown. Thatch smiled and waved, watching nervously as his mother left once more. The second the door shut he hissed and turned back to the bed.

"Casper!" He harshly whispered. The ghost boy nervously came out, offering a small smile.

"I can explain." He started carefully. When Thatch didn't speak Casper continued. "The second you left the room Slither got really, really aggressive and well... He said something and I just... I got mad Thatch, I'll admit it. I didn't really mean to follow you all the way here, but there was just never a good time to come out and tell you I was here." The ghost carefully spoke, nervously hovering right above the floor as he wrung his hands together, his blue eyes darting around the room. "I overheard a bunch of stuff I shouldn't have, I'm so sorry."

Thatch calmly listened, a deep frown on his face. What was done couldn't be changed now, best make the best of the situation, so Thatch sighed heavily. "Fine fine, ok I can work with this." He muttered mostly to himself. "You just gotta keep your stupid mouth shut." He hissed dangerously. "Let anyone find out about this place and I will hurt you, or your dumb friends!"

Now that was a serious threat. Sure Thatch couldn't really hurt Casper, but Ra and Mantha were solid monsters- they could get hurt. Casper was quick to nod in agreement. He never had planned on telling anyone this anyways. He liked the fact that he had Thatch's secrets- and he hoped to know more than that stupid Slither. It was really bugging the ghost boy that Slither acted as he knew so much about Thatch. Was this the thing Slither knew about?

The secret house, his lonely mother, empty hallways and something about the humans in the past... Casper wanted to know.

"Thatch... What happened to your dad?" He worded carefully. Thatch frowned deeply, his eyes narrowing.

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