Chapter 39: Distracted Past

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Chapter Summary: Ra's magic has many uses, and Thatch is eager to use them to peer into the past for answers.

Waiting for Clementine and Vincent to put Thatch to sleep was getting on their nerves. It took so long! The vampires had their 'dinner' which they spent a lot of the time talking, then when Clementine and Vincent were cleaning up they were talking about getting a new maid as the mini-Thatch snuck out of his parent's sights, grinning widely. The little rascal hurried down the hall, playfully lifting the ends of the cloak so they flowed behind him like some sort of superhero cape. Casper tried to ignore the child and focus on Vincent until he felt his Thatch leave his side. Casper looked, seeing Thatch follow his younger self out of curiosity. Casper frowned, crossing his arms across his chest, then looked to Ra for some support in this matter.

Ra shrugged his shoulders, letting himself grin. "It's fine. Come on." He said and started to follow Thatch, though he walked at a nice calm pace, clearly not in a rush to go anywhere. Casper felt annoyed but followed, though he started to wonder if Ra was feeling tired or ill. The mummy showed no signs of either, so Casper would just have to assume Ra was just fine, but it still drove him crazy. Were they all forgetting every second they were here Ra was using his barely understood powers! Ra seemed fine now, but the effects always took place once the spell went off, and who knew how much this would affect Ra. Besides, the way Ra's pendant was glowing was freaking him out despite Casper's attempts to just ignore it. Ra didn't even seem to mind the glowing and that made the ghost even more concerned. The glowing clearly meant something, good or bad it was unknown.

"Where are we going?" Ra loudly asked Thatch, who seemed more distracted with his tiny self than anything else. Ra tried not to laugh, letting a smirk come to his lips. "I knew this would happen... Okay look, Thatch, this is cool and all but let's not get distracted from the task at hand." Ra said and hurried up to Thatch's side. "Come on, we gotta watch your dad." He tried to redirect the vampire, mostly for Casper's sake. An agitated ghost wasn't exactly a pleasant thing to deal with. Plus, Casper always turned a bit red when he was getting mad- it was so always terribly clear when the monster was getting fed up.

"Dad is going to go into town with mom and get Crystal tonight... I forgot I meet her tonight." Thatch mumbled softly, his eyes straight ahead on the mini-him, trying not to smile as the child pretty much hopped down the hall. "I don't remember my first meeting with her... and I want to." He decided firmly. "Mom said Crystal and I hit it off, and that she read me to bed that night. Once mini-me is in bed we'll follow dad again." Thatch explained, watching his mini-me open the ballroom door, though the small child struggled to do so, heaving to put his whole weight behind moving the large wooden doors. Casper tried not to gasp, but the ballroom was beautiful.

The crystal chandelier shimmered- reflecting light all around the room, the torches were ablaze with fire. All the windows were open to the outside air, the cool breeze swept into the ballroom, blowing the curtains gently. The floor was newly polished and shined, not creaking once under the mini-Thatch's feet. The small child went to the center of the room like Thatch had explained and sat right down, wrapped up in his dad's cloak with the biggest smile he could muster with those silly fangs before he just flopped onto his back, staring up at the painted ceilings- which were actually only half-painted at this time.

"Whoa dude," Ra drew out, "you got to show me when I break this spell. What does it look like nowadays?" He questioned as he walked slowly, doing a full spin as he took in the large room.

"Still beautiful, just not as polished." Thatch chuckled and sat beside his child self- this was truly an odd sight. Casper and Ra found themselves just looking between the two. They looked terribly similar, one was just smaller. Plus it was hard to wrap their heads around that the little cutie before them turned into the biggest jerk in the school, then mellowed out and was now dating Casper... Wow.

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