Chapter 12: Worried mummy

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Chapter Summary: Returning back to the school had a few unpleasant surprises, like an upset mummy who doesn't trust Thatch in the slightest.

The morning felt so unreal. Thatch's mother came in, gently shaking the two awake before the sun had a chance to rise- not even a ray of light in the night sky. Casper was incredibly tired, whining as he nuzzled into the bed, wearing the same PJs from the night before- Thatch's old clothes. The ghost was finally getting used to wearing actual clothes again and he was starting to enjoy it.

While the ghost was a lump under the sheets, Thatch seemed to rise easier out of bed, leaving Casper in the warmth of the sheets as he went and dressed in his normal clothes- a white shirt, black pants with a chain- like always. His father's cloak around himself and he seemed content, a gentle smile on his lips. Casper enjoyed this side Thatch, but he could only remember the night before. Thatch dressed in his terribly outdated clothes- and Casper just had to match. How they danced in that golden ballroom as if nothing else mattered.

But now it seemed like that night did not matter as Thatch redressed for school. Scare School- they were going back to where they were just Casper, the friendly ghost, and Thatch, the vampire bully... Casper didn't want to go. He childishly pulled the blanket over his head, trying to block out the world around him. He didn't want to leave this place- not yet. In these castle walls, they could just be themselves. He had learned so much about Thatch it made his head spin and he loved it. There was so much they still need to do- so much this castle held for them.

But time always moved forward, and he was reminded of that with every sound Thatch made. The footsteps on the floor, the movement of the bag of clothes they got for Casper, the sound of Thatch cleaning up his room so they could leave...

"Casper, come on," Thatch laughed softly and walked back to the bed. He crawled onto the bed and pulled on the blanket, trying to pull it off of the stubborn ghost. "Casper?" He spoke softly when he got no response. At this Casper only whined, making Thatch roll his eyes. "I swear you're not a morning person are you?"

"It's not even morning- it's still night," the ghost defended.

"Well yes perhaps, but the sun will be rising soon and we got to fly or we'll miss Cappy. You're also going to be in so much trouble- you snuck out of school." He reminded. Casper whined and pulled the blanket tighter around himself, turning his back to the vampire. "Oh come on Casper," He sighed. "It's ok, I'll cover for you." He encouraged gently. When the ghost still didn't move Thatch huffed.

The vampire plopped down on the bed beside Casper and instead pulled the big lump under the blanket closer to himself. "You big stubborn ghost," He chuckled lightly. "Come on, won't you at least look at me?"

"You're tricking me."

"I'm not, just let me see you." He drew out playfully. Casper doubted Thatch was telling the truth, but he slowly removed the blanket around his head, instead tightly gripping the top and keeping it just under his chin. Thatch grinned, seeming rather content with the adorable sight, for the vampire simply laid his head down on the soft pillow and laid beside the ghost peacefully. "See? Much better." He encouraged. One hand found its way up and started to ruffle Casper's soft fur-like hair.

The blue-eyed ghost could see Thatch had questions about the texture of his hair, but it was soft and fun to play with so it really didn't matter.

"We got a few minutes before we utterly must leave... You got to change. Put on one of your new outfits. The other students will be impressed I'm sure," he grinned toothily.

How could anyone say no?

Casper sighed and willingly climbed out of bed, going over to the bag resting on Thatch's desk. The ghost simply fazed out of his clothes- letting the PJs drop to the floor in a heap as he picked up the bag instead, reaching in and searching around. The vampire kept his gaze away, making the bed so everything would be ready for them to go. The vampire didn't turn back around until Casper was fully dressed. It was strange considering Casper always walked around naked anyways.

Rewritten- Let Love FlowWhere stories live. Discover now