Chapter 4: You look like Thatch

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Chapter Summary: Casper is happy with his new look, even his friends approve- mostly. Casper and Thatch's relationship is changing even during the daytime, which is bringing suspicion from some of the students.

Casper sighed heavily, his eyes barely opening as everyone around him was starting to get up. He was exhausted, he could admit that. He was staying up far too late and barely getting any sleep. The first few nights he could handle, but it was all catching up with him now. The ghost boy tucked his legs up to his chest, pulling the thin blanket over his head to fully hide from the rest of the dorm. Just a few more minutes, it was just a Thursday after all- the most unimportant day of the week. Surely he could rest just a bit longer...

The bed was his safe space and he felt like he never wanted to leave it. In his hazy mind, he could still remember last night so well.


Thatch and Casper had snuck back into the dorm, unseen by the cover of the beauty that was the night. Thatch had led Casper over to his coffin, where he opened the lid and pulled up a soft mattress that covered the bottom, revealing a hidden storage area. It was filled with extra clothes and a few other things Thatch had stashed away in it. Now it made sense. Casper had always wondered where Thatch's clothes came from. Thatch, unlike some of the other monsters who wore the same clothes daily, preferred a cleaned, pressed look.

Casper had unclasped the cloak from around himself and offered it back to Thatch, who took it and draped it over the side of his coffin. The vampire then reached down to the bottom, searching around until he pulled out a white button-up shirt and some black slacks- identical to his own.

"Here, have some real clothes." The vampire offered. "Your shirt has no buttons anyways." He said easily.

"Oh... Thank you." Casper whispered softly, wary of waking the other monsters in the room. His clothes he had made himself faded back into his body- which seems to odd Thatch out more than Casper would have thought. The blue-eyed monster got dressed in the new outfit and it felt much better than the one he made. He could actually feel the fabric pressed against his body. It was all a bit big, the sleeves hanging over his hands and the pants dragging the floor. Thatch didn't seem fazed by this. He simply rolled the sleeves up to Casper's shoulders and rolled the pants up to the ghost's ankles.

"Maybe we can get you some actual clothes one night..." He carefully offered. "These pants will get dirty quick if you let them drag on the floor. They never clean this place." He angrily mentioned.

"Wait, I thought monsters liked things dirty?" Casper curiously asked. He always noted Alder and Dash making the school EXTRA dirty whenever they had visitors.

"Only uncivilized, petty monsters actually like the filth." Thatch turned his nose up. "Vampires like myself are a much higher class, overall the filth and grime. It's honestly disgusting."

Casper could only figure that made sense. Vampires always seemed the neater of all the monsters. They were suppose to live in huge, really fancy castles with cool stuff, weren't they? No wonder Thatch seemed to hate this place so much. "Where do you even wash your clothes?" The ghost boy asked, his head tilted to the side so his newfound blue-tinted hair covered his eyes barely, like an unkempt child. Thatch didn't seem to be in the mood for answering questions out of the forest, for he just glanced around the silent dorm and pointed to Casper's bed, almost as if shooing the ghost boy away for the night.

Seems Thatch had enough social interaction. Not wanting to overload the vampire Casper just nodded and returned back to his bed while Thatch climbed into his coffin for the night....


That was how last night ended, and while it had all been pleasant Casper realized he needed more than 3 or so hours of sleep per night- which somehow Thatch seemed perfectly fine with! He hadn't seen Thatch yawn once in these past few days, which surely meant the vampire was too use to getting this little sleep.

Rewritten- Let Love FlowWhere stories live. Discover now